Prof. Dr. Ph.D. Sabina Leonelli
Professorin für Philosophie und Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte
Ich bin Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Philosophie und Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte an der Technischen Universität München, wo ich die Ethical Data Initiative leite und das TUM Public Science Lab mitverantworte. Bis 2024 war ich Professor für Philosophie und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Direktor des Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Egenis, 2013-2024) und leitete die Forschung zu "Data Governance, Openness and Ethics" am Institute for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDSAI) an der Universität Exeter, wo ich eine Ehrenprofessur innehabe.
Nach meinem Bachelor (BSc Honours) in Geschichte, Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften der Naturwissenschaften am University College London im Jahr 2000 und einem Master in Geschichte und Philosophie der Wissenschaften an der London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) im Jahr 2001, promovierte ich 2007 in Philosophie an der Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Anschließend arbeitete ich als Research Fellow in der Abteilung für Wirtschaftsgeschichte an der LSE unter der Betreuung von Mary Morgan, bevor ich 2008 von der Universität Exeter berufen wurde.
Derzeit bin ich gewählter Präsident der International Society for History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, Mitglied des Rats der Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology der International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Mitherausgeber der Harvard Data Science Review (für die ich auch die Kolumne Meta Data Science herausgebe), Vorstandsmitglied des PhilSciArchive und Fachherausgeber der Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.
Ich habe zahlreiche wettbewerbsfähige Förderungen erhalten, darunter zwei Förderungen des Europäischen Forschungsrats: "The Philosophy of Data-Intensive Science" (2014-2019) und "A Philosophy of Open Science for Diverse Research Environments" (2021-2026). Regelmäßig berate ich wissenschaftspolitische Gremien und Einrichtungen zur Governance von Dateninfrastrukturen, darunter die Europäische Kommission, die Royal Society, FAIR-IMPACT und das italienische Nationale Zentrum für Big Data, Hochleistungs- und Quantenrechnen.
Von 2019 bis 2023 war ich Vizepräsident der European Association for the Philosophy of Science und von 2019 bis 2023 Chefredakteur von History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. Von 2014 bis 2017 leitete ich zudem das Open-Science-Programm der Global Young Academy. 2023 wurde mir ein Ehrendoktortitel der Universität Tilburg verliehen, und ich war 2021-2022 Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. 2024 werde ich die Kluge Chair in Technology and Society an der Library of Congress übernehmen. Mein 2016 erschienenes Buch "Data-Centric Biology" gewann 2018 den Lakatos Award und 2022 den Patrick Suppes Prize for Philosophy of Science.
- Offene Wissenschaft und Transformationen in Forschungssystemen (siehe
- Epistemische Ungerechtigkeit und epistemische Diversität in der globalen Forschung Ethik, Governance und Philosophie von Daten und KI Datenintensive Wissenschaft und KI-gestützte Forschung Philosophie
- Geschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Biologie, Biomedizin, öffentlichen Gesundheit, Umweltwissenschaften, Datenwissenschaft und Toxikologie Forschungsdatenaustausch und Wiederverwendung (siehe
- Wissenschaftspolitik und die Globalisierung sowie Politische Ökonomie der wissenschaftlichen Forschung Bioinformatik und Datensemantiksysteme in Biologie und Biomedizin Geschichte
- epistemischer Status der Modellorganismenforschung Geschichte, Philosophie und Soziologie der Pflanzenbiologie und Biomedizin
- Die Rolle von verkörpertem Wissen und Fähigkeiten im wissenschaftlichen Verständnis
- Abstraktions- und Modellierungsprozesse in der Biologie Verteilte Kognition und Arbeitsteilung in der Wissenschaft Einheit, Uneinheit und Integration in der Wissenschaft Früher Pragmatismus
- AI in Diverse Societies (summer semester 2025)
- Philosophy of Science and Technology (winter semester 2025-2026)
- Information and Society (summer semester 2025)
- STS Methods (summer semester 2025)
Monographs and Edited Books
Leonelli, S. (2023) Philosophy of Open Science. Elements series. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Open Access.
Williamson, H. and Leonelli, S. (eds.) (2022) Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage: Data Challenges for Agricultural Research and Development. Cham: Springer Open Access.
Beaulieu, A. and Leonelli, S. (2021) Data and Society: A Critical Introduction. London, UK: SAGE.
Leonelli, S. and Tempini, N. (eds) (2020) Data Journeys in the Sciences. Springer. Open Access.
Ankeny, R.A. and Leonelli, S. (2020) Model Organisms. Elements Series, Cambridge University Press. Open Access.
Leonelli, S. (2018) La Ricerca Scientifica Nell’Era Dei Big Data. Meltemi Editore. (“Scientific Research in the Age of Big Data”). ISBN 9788883539015.
· French translation: Leonelli, S. (2019) La Recherche Scientifique à l’Ère des Big Data: Cinq Façons Donc les Données Massive Nuisent à la Science, et Comment la Sauver. Éditions Mimésis.
· Portuguese translation: Leonelli, S. (2022) A Pesquisa Científica na Era do Big Data: cinco maneiras que mostram como o Big Data prejudica a ciênca, e como podemos salvà-la. Editora Fiocruz.
Leonelli, S. (2016) Data-Centric Biology: A Philosophical Study. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
de Regt, H., Leonelli, S. and Eigner, K. (eds.) (2009) Scientific Understanding: Philosophical Perspectives. Pittsburgh University Press.
Special Issues and Collections
‘Openness and Inequity in Research’ (with P. Castaño and Rena Goldstein, in preparation).
‘The Nature of Research Environments’ (with R. Trappes, under review) European Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
‘Values at Sea: Marine Science Studies Meet Blue Humanities’ (with E. Jones and J. Canada, under review) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.
‘Circulating Bodies: Human-Animal Movements in Science and Medicine’ (with R. Kirk and D. Myelnikov, 2023) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. ISSN: 0391-9714 (Print) 1742-6316 (Online)
‘Biomedical knowledge in a time of COVID-19’ (with D. Teira, 2021) History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. (see also our 2nd collection on COVID: )
‘Data Quality and Data Access for Research’ (with M. Crosas and R. Mounce, 2021) Data.
‘Genomics/DNA-Based Technologies in the Clinic and Beyond’ (2018). Section One of Gibbon, S, Prinsack B, Hilgartner S, Lamoreaux J (eds) Routledge Handbook for Genomics, Health and Society. London: Routledge.
‘Open Data and Africa’ (with L. Bezuidenhout and B. Rappert, 2018) Data Science Journal.
‘Data Shadows: Knowledge, Absence and Openness’ (with B. Rappert and G. Davies, 2017) Science, Technology and Human Values 42, 2.
‘Bigger, Faster, Better? Rhetorics and Practices of Large-Scale Research in Contemporary Bioscience’ (with G. Davies and E. Frow, 2013) BioSocieties 8, 4.
‘Translational Research in the Life Sciences’ (with K. Sunder Rajan, 2013) Public Culture 25, 3.
‘Data-driven research in the biological and biomedical sciences’ (2012) Studies in the History and the Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences: Part C 43, 1.
‘How Well Do Facts Travel?’ (2009) Graduate Journal of Social Science.
‘The Philosophy of Biology in the Netherlands and Flanders’ (with T.A.C. Reydon, 2005) Acta Biotheoretica.
‘Unity in Social Science’ (with S. Ortmann, 2005) Graduate Journal of Social Science.
Journal articles
[89] Leonelli, S. (2024, in press) Globalising plant knowledge beyond bioprospecting? History of Anthropology Review.
[88] Mussgnug, A. and Leonelli, S. (2024, in press) A critical framing of data for development: Historicizing data relations and AI. Development and Change.
[87] Berman F, Banks D, Jordan MI, Leonelli S and Minow M (2024) Amid Advancement, Apprehension and Ambivalence: AI In the Human Ecosystem Panel. Harvard Data Science Review 6(3).
[86] Ankeny, RA and Leonelli, S (2024) Investigating research practices: How qualitative methods enhance philosophical understandings of science. In Osbeck, L. and Nersessian, N. (eds.) Special Issue ‘Qualitative Methods to Investigate “How Science Gets Done”. Qualitative Psychology 11(2): 247-262; [URL Special Issue: ]
[85] Sheehan, N. Leonelli, S. and Botta, F. (2024) Unrestricted versus Regulated Open Data Governance: A Bibliometric Comparison of SARS-COV-2 Nucleotide Sequence Databases. Data Science Journal 19:1–30. DOI: 2024-024
[84] Leonelli, S. (2024) Responsive research and scientific autonomy. Novation: Critical Studies of Innovation 6: 62-67
[83] Leonelli, S. (2023) Is Data Science Transforming Biomedical Research? Evidence, Expertise and Experiments in COVID-19 Science. Philosophy of Science 1-11
[82] Leonelli, S. (2022) Process-Sensitive Naming: Trait Descriptors and the Shifting Semantics of Plant (Data) Science. Philosophy, Theory and Practice in Biology 14:16 ;
[81] Williamson, H. and Leonelli, S. (2022) Accelerating Agriculture: Data-Intensive Plant Breeding and the Use of Genetic Gain as An Indicator for Agricultural Research and Development. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 95: 167-176.
[80] Dupré, J and Leonelli, S (2022) Process Epistemology in the COVID Era: Rethinking the Research Process to Avoid Dangerous Forms of Reification. European Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12:20
[79] Canali, S and Leonelli, S. (2022) Reframing the Environment in Data-Intensive Health Sciences. Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 93: 203-214.
[78] Leonelli, S (2022) Open Science and Epistemic Diversity: Friends or Foes? Philosophy of Science 89(5), 991-1001.
[77] Rappert, B, Leonelli, S, Wheatley H, Wilson-Kovacs, D. (2022) Evincing Shadows: How Digital Forensics Turns Big Data Into Evidence of Indecency. Engaging Science, Technology and Society 8(2): 8-30.
[76] Williamson H, Brettschnedier J, Caccamo M, Davey R, Goble C, Kersey PJ, May S, Morris RJ, Ostler R, Pridmore T, Rawlings C, Studholme D, Tsaftaris S and Leonelli S.* (2023) Data management challenges for artificial intelligence in plant and agricultural research [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research, 10:324 ( *corresponding author
[75] Leonelli S, Lovell B, Fleming L, Wheeler B and Williams H. (2021) From FAIR data to fair data use: Methodological data fairness in health-related social media research. Big Data and Society 8 (1)
[74] Staunton C, Barragan CA, Canali S, Ho C, Mayernik M, Leonelli S, Prainsack B, Wonkham A (2021) Open science, data sharing and solidarity: Who benefits? History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43:115.
[73] Krige, J and Leonelli, S (2021) Mobilizing the Translational History of Knowledge Flows: COVID-19 and the Politics of Knowledge at the Borders. History and Technology 37:1, 125-146.
[72] Hartley S, Ledingham K, Owen R, Leonelli S, Diarra S, Diop SI (2021) Experimenting with co-development: A qualitative study of gene drive research for malaria control in Mali. Social Science & Medicine.
[71] Cousins, T, Pentecost, M, Alvergne, A, Chandler, C, Chigudu, S, Herrick, C, Kelly, A, Leonelli, S, Lezaun, J, Lorimer, J, Reubi, D, Sekalala, S (2021) The Changing Climates of Global Health. BMJ Global Health.
[70] Leonelli, S. (2021) Data Science in Times of Pan(dem)ic. Harvard Data Science Review 3(1) [featured article with seven discussion pieces]
[69] Leonelli, S. (2021) Rejoinder: The Present and Future of Data Science in Society. Harvard Data Science Review 3(1)
[68] Tempini, N and Leonelli, S (2021) Actionable Data for Precision Oncology: Framing Trustworthy Evidence for Exploratory Research and Clinical Diagnostics. Social Science and Medicine 272: 113760. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113760
[67] Arnaud E, Laporte MA, Kim S, Aubert C, Leonelli S, Cooper L, Jaiswal P, Kruseman G, Shrestha R, Buttigieg PL, Mungall C, Pietragalla J, Agbona A, Muliro J, Detras J, Hualla V, Rathore A, Das R, Dieng I, King B (2020) The Ontologies Community of Practice: An Initiative by the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture. Patterns 1: 100105
[66] Geraint P, Yoselin BA, Gibbs D, Grant M, Harper A, Harrison J, Kaiserli E, Leonelli S, May S, McKim S, Spoel S, Turnbull C, van der Hoorn R, Murray J (2020) How to Build an Effective Research Network: Lessons from Twenty Years of the GARNet Plant Science Community. Journal of Experimental Botany, eraa307,
[65] Leonelli, S. (2019) Data – From Objects to Assets. Nature 574, 317-321. DOI:
[64] Dietrich M, Ankeny R, Crowe N, Green S, Leonelli S (2019) How to Choose your Research Organism. Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences: Part C.
[63] Lowe, J, Leonelli, S and Davies, G (2019) Training to translate: Understanding and Informing Translational Animal Research in Preclinical Pharmacology. Technoscienza 10(2): 5-30.
[62] Leonelli, S. (2019) Data Governance is Key to Interpretation: Reconceptualising Data in Data Science. Harvard Data Science Review, inaugural issue.
[61] Leonelli, S. (2019) Philosophy of Biology: The Challenges of Big Data. eLife 2019;8:e47381 doi: 10.7554/eLife.47381
[60] Leonelli, S. (2019) What Distinguishes Data from Models? European Journal for the Philosophy of Science 9:22 (27 pages)
[59] Leonelli, S. (2018) The Time of Data: Time-Scales of Data Use in the Life Sciences. Philosophy of Science 85 (5):741-754. DOI: 10.1086/699699
[58] Green, S., Dietrich, M. R., Leonelli, S. and Ankeny, R.A. (2018) “Extreme Organisms” and the Problem of Generalization: Interpreting the August Krogh Principle. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40:65
[57] Leonelli, S. (2018) Re-Thinking Reproducibility as a Criterion for Research Quality. Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Including a Symposium on the Work of Mary Morgan: Curiosity, Imagination, and Surprise. Volume 36B, 129-146. DOI: 10.1108/S0743-41542018000036B009 Open Access version:
[56] Tempini, N. and Leonelli, S. (2018) Concealment and Discovery: The Role of Information Security in Biomedical Data Re-Use. Social Studies of Science 48(5): 663-690. DOI: 10.1177/0306312718804875
[55] Leonelli, S. and Tempini, N. (2018) Where Health and Environment Meet: The Use of Invariant Parameters in Big Data Analysis. Synthese. Special issue “Philosophy of Epidemiology” edited by Sean Valles and Jonathan Kaplan. DOI: 10.1007/s11229-018-1844-2
[54] Leonelli, S., Rappert, B and Bezuidenhout, L. (2018) Introduction: Open Data and Africa. Data Science Journal 17, p.5-7. DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2018-005
[53] Leonelli, S. (2017) Global Data Quality Assessment and the Situated Nature of “Best” Research Practices in Biology. Data Science Journal 16(32): 1-11. DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2017-032
[52] Leonelli, S., Davey, R., Arnauld, E., Parry, G. and Bastow, R. (2017) Data Management and Best Practice in Plant Science. Nature Plants 3, 17086. DOI: 10.1038/nplants.2017.86
[51] Bezuidenhout, L., Leonelli, S., Kelly, A. and Rappert, B (2017) Beyond the Digital Divide: Towards a Situated Approach to Open Data. Science and Public Policy 44(4): 464-475
[50] Weckowska, D, Levin, N, Dupre, J, Leonelli, S and Castle, D (2017) Managing the Transition to Open Access Publishing: A Psychological Perspective. Prometheus.
[49] Ankeny, RA and Leonelli, S. (2016) Repertoires: A Post-Kuhnian Perspective on Scientific Change and Collaborative Research. Studies in the History and the Philosophy of Science: Part A 60: 18-28.
[48] Leonelli, S. (2016) Locating Ethics in Data Science: Responsibility and Accountability in Global and Distributed Knowledge Production. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Part A. 374: 20160122.
[47] Leonelli, S., Rappert, B. and Davies, G. (2016) Introduction: Data Shadows: Knowledge, Openness and Absence. Society, Technology and Human Values 42 (2): 191-202.
[46] Levin, N. and Leonelli, S. (2016) How Does One “Open” Science? Questions of Value in Biological Research. Science, Technology and Human Values 42 (2): 280-305. DOI: 10.1177/0162243916672071
[45] Bezuidenhout, L., Kelly, A., Leonelli, S. and Rappert, B. (2016) “$100 Is Not Much To You”: Open Science and Neglected Accessibilities for Scientific Research in Africa. Critical Public Health, 1-11.
[44] Levin, N., Leonelli, S., Weckowska, D., Castle, D., and Dupré, J. (2016) How Do Scientists Understand Openness? Exploring the Relationship between Open Science Policies and Research Practice. Bulletin for Science and Technology Studies 36(2): 128-141.
[43] Leonelli, S. (2016) The Disruptive Potential of Data Publication. In Special Issue “The End of the Scientific Journal”. Notes and Records: the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science.
[42] Davies, Gail et al. (2016) Developing a Collaborative Agenda for Humanities and Social Scientific Research on Laboratory and Animal Science and Welfare. PLOS One
[41] Leonelli, S. (2015) What Counts as Scientific Data? A Relational Framework. Philosophy of Science 82: 810-821. This was the most read paper in the journal for 2017, according to the journal website; in 2023, it was listed as one of the four most significant articles of the decade, within the 90th anniversary special edition of the journal Philosophy of Science (see ).
[40] Leonelli, S. and Ankeny, R.A. (2015) Repertoires: How to Transform a Project into a Research Community. BioScience 65(7): 701-708.
[39] Leonelli, S., Spichtinger, D. and Prainsack, B. (2015) Sticks AND Carrots: Incentives for a Meaningful Implementation of Open Science Guidelines. Geo, 2: 12–16 doi: 10.1002/geo2.2 . Substantive responses to this paper have been published in
[38] Leonelli, S. (2014) What Difference Does Quantity Make? On the Epistemology of Big Data in Biology. Big Data and Society 1: 1-11.
[37] Ankeny, R.A., Leonelli, S., Nelson, N. and Ramsden, E. (2014) Making Organisms Model Humans: Situated Models in Alcohol Research. Science in Context 27(3): 485-509. http://10.1017/S0269889714000155
[36] Leonelli, S. (2014) Data Interpretation in the Digital Age. Perspectives on Science 22(3): 397-417. http://10.1162/POSC_a_00140
[35] Boumans, M. and Leonelli, S. (2013) Introduction: On Philosophy of Science in Practice. Journal for the General Philosophy of Science.
[34] Leonelli, S, Smirnoff, N., Moore, J., Cook, C. and Bastow, R. (2013) Making Open Data Work in Plant Science. Journal for Experimental Botany 64(14): 4109-4117. Available Open Access.
[33] Davies, G., Frow, E. and Leonelli, S. (2013) Bigger, Faster, Better? Rhetorics and Practices of Large-Scale Research in Contemporary Bioscience. BioSocieties 8(4): 386-396.
[32] Leonelli, S. (2013) Global Data for Local Science: Assessing the Scale of Data Infrastructures in Biological and Biomedical Research. BioSocieties 8(4): 449-465.
[31] Leonelli, S. and Ankeny, R. A. (2013) What Makes a Model Organism? Endeavour 37: 209-2012.
[30] Sunder Rajan, K. and Leonelli, S. (2013) Introduction: Biomedical Trans-actions, Post-Genomics and 463-475 Knowledge/Value. Public Culture 25 (3/71):. http://doi:10.1215/08992363-2144607
[29] Leonelli, S. (2013) Why the Current Insistence on Open Access to Scientific Data? Big Data, Knowledge Production and the Political Economy of Contemporary Biology. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 33(1/2): 6-11.
[28] Leonelli, S. (2013) Integrating Data to Acquire New Knowledge: Three Modes of Integration in Plant Science. Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences: Part C, 4(4): 503-514.
[27] Leonelli, S. (2013) Classificatory Theory in Biology. Biological Theory, 7(4): 338-345.
[26] Leonelli, S., Charnley, B, Webb, A and Bastow, R. (2012) Under One Leaf. A Historical Perspective on the UK Plant Science Federation. New Phytologist 195(1): 10-13.
[25] Leonelli, S. (2012) Classificatory Theory in Data-Intensive Science: The Case of Open Biomedical Ontologies. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26(1): 47-65.
[24] Leonelli, S. (2012) When Humans Are the Exception: Cross-Species Databases at the Interface of Clinical and Biological Research. Social Studies of Science 42(2): 214-236.
[23] Leonelli, S. (2012) Making Sense of Data-Driven Research in the Biological and the Biomedical Sciences. Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43(1): 1-3.
[22] Leonelli, S. and Ankeny, R.A. (2012) Re-Thinking Organisms: The Epistemic Impact of Databases on Model Organism Biology. Studies in the History and Philosophy of the Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43(1): 29-36.
[21] Leonelli, S., Diehl, A.D., Christie, K.R., Harris, M.A. and Lomax, J. (2011) How the Gene Ontology Evolves. BMC Bioinformatics, 12:325 (tagged ‘highly accessed’).
[20] Ankeny, R.A. and Leonelli, S. (2011) Bioethics Authorship in Context: How Trends in Biomedicine Challenge Bioethics. The American Journal of Bioethics, 11(10): 22-24.
[19] Ankeny, R.A. and Leonelli, S. (2011) What is so special about model organisms? Studies in the History and the Philosophy of Science: Part A, 42 (2): 313-323.
[18] O’Malley, M.A. and Leonelli, S. (2011) The scientific importance of asking questions at meetings: Why virtual debate is not enough. BioEssays, 33 (1): 35-37.
[17] Bastow, R. and Leonelli, S. (2010) Sustainable digital infrastructure. EMBO Reports, 11(10): 730-735. Reports on this article have appeared in several news outlets, including Science Daily, Science Business, Medical News Today, Science News Daily, and E-Science News.
[16] Leonelli, S. (2010) Machine Science: The Human Side. Science, 330 (6002): 317.
[15] Leonelli, S. (2010) Documenting the Emergence of Bio-Ontologies: Or, Why Researching Bioinformatics Requires HPSSB. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 32, 1: 105-126.
[14] Leonelli, S. and Howlett, P. (2009) How Well Do ‘Facts’ Travel? (editorial to special issue) Graduate Journal of Social Science, 6, 2: 1-2.
[13] Leonelli, S. (2009) On the Locality of Data and Claims About Phenomena. Philosophy of Science, 76, 5: 737-749.
[12] Leonelli, S. (2008) Bio-Ontologies as Tools for Integration in Biology. Biological Theory, 3, 1: 8-11.
[11] Leonelli, S. (2008) Performing Abstraction. Two Ways of Modelling Arabidopsis thaliana. Biology and Philosophy, 23, 4: 509-528.
[10] Leonelli, S. (2007) Growing Weed, Producing Knowledge. An Epistemic History of Arabidopsis thaliana. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 29, 2: 55-87.
[9] Leonelli, S. (2007) Naar een Open Dialoog Tussen de Wetenschap en de Wetenschapsstudies. Congresbespreking. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrijft Wijsbegeerte, 99, 3: 237-240.
[8] Leonelli, S. (2007) Arabidopsis, the Botanical Drosophila: From Mouse-Cress to Model Organism. Review Article. Endeavour, 31, 1: 34-38.
[7] Leonelli, S. (2006) Forming Civic Consciousness: A Participant’s View on the European Social Forum. Re-Public: Re-Imagining Democracy
[6] Leonelli, S. (2005) Pluralism and Normativity in Interdisciplinary Research, Graduate Journal of Social Science, Vol. 2, 1:i-vi.
[5] Leonelli, S. and Reydon, T.A.C. (2005) Philosophy of Biology in Flanders and the Netherlands, Acta Biotheoretica, Vol. 53, No. 2:55-56.
[4] Chang, H. and Leonelli, S. (2005) Infrared Metaphysics: the Elusive Ontology of Radiation (Part 1), Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science: Part A, 36, 3:477-508.
[3] Chang H. and Leonelli, S. (2005) Infrared Metaphysics: Theory-Choice and the Ontology of Radiation (Part 2), Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science: Part A, 36, 4:687-706.
[2] Ortmann, S. and Leonelli, S. (2005) Unity in Social Science? Graduate Journal of Social Science, Vol.2,2:i-v.
[1] Leonelli, S. (2004) Introducing the GJSS: Why a Graduate Journal on Interdisciplinary Methodology?, Graduate Journal of Social Science Vol. 1, 1:i-vii.
Book Chapters
[30] Ankeny, RA and Leonelli, S. (2025, in press) Research Design for Philosophy of Science in Practice. In Veigl, S and Currie, A (eds) Methods in the Philosophy of Science: A User’s Guide. MIT Press.
[29] Leonelli, S. (2024) Comment: Multi-Species History of Science. In: Verburgt, Lukas (ed.) Debating Contemporary Approaches to the History of Science. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 203-208.
[28] Curry, H.A. and Leonelli, S. (2024) Crop Descriptors and the Forging of “System-wide” Research in CGIAR. In: Curry, H.A. and Lorek, T. (eds.) Agricultural Science as International Development: Historical Perspectives on the CGIAR Era. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. .
[27] Leonelli, S. (2023) Opacity and Reproducibility in Data Processing: Reflections on the Dependence of AI on the Data Ecosystem. In: (eds.) Beyond Quantity: Research with Subsymbolic AI. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 313-324. ; doi=10.14361/9783839467664-017
[26] Leonelli, S. (2022) How Data Cross Borders: Globalizing Plant Knowledge through Transnational Data Management and Its Epistemic Economy. In: Krige, J (ed) Knowledge Flows in a Global Age: A Transnational Approach. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, pp. 305-343.
[25] Williamson, H. and Leonelli, S. (2023) Cultivating Responsible Plant Breeding Strategies: Conceptual and Normative Commitments in Data-Intensive Agriculture. In: Williamson, H. and Leonelli, S. (ed.) Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage. Springer, pp.301-317.
[24] Leonelli, S. and Williamson, H. (2023) Introduction: Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage. In: Williamson, H. and Leonelli, S. (eds.) Towards Responsible Plant Data Linkage. Springer, pp. 1-25.
[23] Leonelli, S and Williamson, H. (2023) Artificial Intelligence in Plant and Agricultural Research. In: Choudhary A, Fox G and Hey T (ed.) AI for Science. World Scientific Publishers. 0018
[22] Leonelli, S. (2022) Big Data Nel Mondo Della Salute: Bene Comune o Interesse Privato? (Big Data in the World of Health: Common Good or Private Interest?) In: Balbo G, Garbarini G, Jarre P, Manuale di InformEtica. Torino: Loescher, pp. 121-125.
Leonelli, S (2022) Le Sfide della Biologia dei Big Data. In: Agostini F, Giaretta P, Moro G and Silvano G (eds.) Frontiere della Conoscenza: Big Data nelle Scienze Fisiche, Sociali, Umanistiche e della Vita. Edizioni Franco Angeli. Open Access, pp. 68-77. (translation of the eLife paper from 2019)
[21] Boumans, M and Leonelli, S (2020) From Dirty Data to Tidy Facts: Practices of Clustering in Plant Phenomics and Business Cycles. In: Leonelli, S. and Tempini, N. (eds.) Data Journeys in the Sciences. Springer, pp. 79-102.
[20] Leonelli, S. (2020) Learning from Data Journeys. In: Leonelli, S. and Tempini, N. (eds.) Data Journeys in the Sciences. Springer, pp. 1-26.
[19] Leonelli, S. (2020) Preface: Roadmaps for the Reader. In: Leonelli S and Tempini N Data Journeys in the Sciences. Springer, pp. v-xii.
[18] Ankeny, RA and Leonelli, S (2020) Using Repertoires to Explore Changing Practices in Recent Coral Research. In: Matlin, K., Maienschein, J and Ankeny, R From the Beach to the Bench: Why Marine Biological Studies? Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, pp. 249-270.
[17] Leonelli, S. (2019) Scientific Agency and Social Scaffolding in Contemporary Data-Intensive Biology. In Wimsatt, W. and Love, A. (eds.) Beyond the Meme: Articulating Dynamic Structures in Cultural Evolution. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 42-63.
[16] Ankeny, R. and Leonelli, S. (2018) Organisms in Experimental Research. In Dietrich, M., Borrello, M., Harman, O. (eds.) Handbook of the Historiography of Biology. Historiography of Science, volume 1. Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-74456-8_15-1
[15] Leonelli, S. (2018) Introduction. Part 1: Genomics/DNA-Based Technologies in the Clinic and Beyond. Handbook for Genomics, Health and Society. London: Routledge, pp. 11-14.
[14] Tempini, N. and Leonelli, S. (2018) Genomics and Big Data. In: Handbook for Genomics, Health and Society. London: Routledge, pp. 24-31.
[13] Prainsack, B. and Leonelli, S. (2018) Responsibility. In: Nerlich B, Smith A, Hartley S and Raman S (eds.) Science and the Politics of Openness: Here Be Monsters. Manchester University Press, pp. 97-106.
[12] Leonelli, S. (2018) Assembling Biomedical Big Data. In: Meloni, M., Cromby, J., Fitzgerald, D. and Lloyd, S. (ed.) Handbook for Biology and Society. Palgrave, pp. 317-338.
[11] Leonelli, S. (2016) The Philosophy of Data. Chapter 17 in: L. Floridi (ed.) Handbook for the Philosophy of Information. London: Routledge, pp. 211-222.
[10] Leonelli, S. (2016) Epistemische Diversität im Zeitalter von Big Data: Wie Dateninfrastrukturen der biomedizinischen Forschung dienen. (Epistemic Diversity in the Age of Big Data: How Data Infrastructures Serve Biomedical Research). In: André Blum, Lina Zschocke, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger and Vincent Barras. Diversität: Geschichte und Aktualität eines Konzepts. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, pp. 85-106.
[9] Ankeny, R.A. and Leonelli, S. (2015) Valuing Data in Postgenomic Biology: How Data Donation and Curation Practices Challenge the Scientific Publication System. In: Richardson, S. and Stevens, H. (eds) Postgenomics. Duke University Press, pp.126-149.
[8] Leonelli, S. (2014) Scientific Organisations as Social Movements: Reflections on How Social Theory Can Inform the Philosophy of Science. In: de Regt, H. and Kwa, C. (eds) Building Bridges – Connecting Science, Technology and Philosophy. Amsterdam: VU University Press, pp.39-52. ISBN 978-90-8659-668-3.
[7] Leonelli, S. (2010) Packaging Data for Re-Use: Databases in Model Organism Biology. In Howlett, P. and Morgan, M.S. (eds) How Well Do Facts Travel? The Dissemination of Reliable Knowledge. Cambridge University Press, pp. 325-348.
[6] Leonelli, S. (2010) The Commodification of Knowledge Exchange: Governing the Circulation of Biological Data. In: Radder, H. (ed) The Commodification of Academic Research: Science and the Modern University. Pittsburgh University Press, pp. 132-157.
[5] Leonelli, S. (2009) Centralising Labels to Distribute Data: The Regulatory Role of Genomic Consortia. In Atkinson, P., Glasner, P. and Lock, M. (eds) The Handbook for Genetics and Society: Mapping the New Genomic Era. London: Routledge, pp. 469-485.
[4] de Regt, H., Leonelli, S. and Eigner, K. (2009) Focusing on Scientific Understanding. In de Regt, H, Leonelli, S. and Eigner, K. (eds) Scientific Understanding: Philosophical Perspectives. Pittsburgh University Press.
[3] Leonelli, S. (2009) The Impure Nature of Biological Knowledge. In de Regt, H. et al (eds), Scientific Understanding: Philosophical Perspectives. Pittsburgh University Press, pp. 189-209.
[2] Leonelli, S (2007) What is in a Model? Using Theoretical and Material Models to Develop Intelligible Theories. In Laubichler, M. and Muller, G.B. (eds) Modeling Biology. Structures, Behaviour, Evolution. Vienna Series: MIT Press, pp. 15-36.
[1] Leonelli, S. (2007) Cultivando Hierba, Produciendo conocimiento. Una historia epistemologica de Arabidopsis thaliana. In Suarez, E. (Ed) Variedad Sin Limites. Las Rapresentaciones en la Ciencia. Universidad Autonoma de Mexico y Editor Limusa.
Leonelli, S. (2017) Using Objects to Inform Inference. Book Review of Evidential Reasoning in Archaeology by Robert Chapman and Alison Wylie. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
Leonelli, S. (2017) The Crucial Role of Models in Science. Book Review of Rendering Life Molecular: Models, Modelers and Excitable Matter by Natasha Myers. Metascience.
Tempini, N. and Leonelli, S. (2016) Live By Data, Die By Data. Nature Physics 12: 109-110.
Leonelli, S. (2016) Book Review: Life Out of Sequence: A Data-Driven History of Bioinformatics by Hallam Stevens. New Genetics and Society 35(4): 416-418.
Leonelli, S. (2013) Book Review: Biomedical Computing: Digitizing Life in the United States by Joseph November. Social History of Medicine 26 (3): 586-587.
Leonelli, S. (2012) Book Review: Ordinary Genomes: Science, Citizenship, and Genetic Identities by Karen Sue-Taussig. Acta Biotheoretica 60(3):319-322.
Leonelli, S. (2011) Book Review: An Epistemology of the Concrete: Twentieth-Century Histories of Life by Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25 (4): 421– 423.
Encyclopaedia Entries
Leonelli, S (2020) Scientific Research and Big Data. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). URL =
Fleming LE, Tempini N, Gordon-Brown H, Nichols G, Sarran C, Vineis P, Leonardi G, Golding B, Haines A, Kessel A, Murray V, Depledge M, Leonelli S. (2017) Big Data in Environment and Human Health: Challenges and Opportunities. Oxford Encyclopaedia for Environment and Human Health. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.541
Tempini, N. and Leonelli, S. (2015) Human Genome Project, Personalised Medicine, and Future Health Care (version 2.0). eLS.
Leonelli, S. (2013) ‘Data-Intensive Research’. In: Dubitzky, W., Wolkenhauer, O., Cho K-H., Yokota, H. (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of Systems Biology. Springer.
Leonelli, S. (2013) ‘Model Organism’. In: Dubitzky, W., Wolkenhauer, O., Cho K-H., Yokota, H. (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of Systems Biology. Springer.
Leonelli, S. (2013) ‘Bio-Ontologies’. In: Dubitzky, W., Wolkenhauer, O., Cho K-H., Yokota, H. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. Springer.
Leonelli, S. (2013) Short entries for ‘curation’, ‘stock centres’, ‘community databases’ and ‘metadata’ in Dubitzky, W et al (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Systems Biology. Springer.
Data Resources
Plant DB Map [data visualisation tool tracking the history and current geography of plant data linkage initiatives globally] launched December 2019:
Consultations and Reports
Koranteng-Acquah J., Acheampong, P., Asante M., Baafi E., Mociah M. B. & Leonelli, S.* (2024) Data Management at the Crops Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana: A Scoping Report. PHIL_OS Report, June 2024. DOI: *corresponding author
Royal Society (2024) Science in the Age of AI: How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the Nature and Method of Scientific Research. Report. [I was one of the lead experts co-authoring the report]
SAPEA (2024) European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism Scientific advice on the topic: Successful and timely uptake of Artificial Intelligence in science in the EU. Policy Design Workshop Report, 10 January 2024, Online and in Brussels. [I was one of the lead experts informing the report]
SAPEA (2024) European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism Scientific advice on the topic: Successful and timely uptake of Artificial Intelligence in science in the EU. Workshop Report, November 2023, Online and in Brussels. [I was one of the lead experts informing the report]
Leonelli, S. and Lewandowsky, S. (2023) The reproducibility of research in Flanders: Fact finding and recommendations - KVAB Thinkers’ report 2022. KVAB Standpunt 81. ISBN 978 90 656 921 91. Report: Project page: ; Final symposium with keynotes:
Council of Canadian Academies (2022). Leaps and Boundaries, Ottawa (ON). The Expert Panel on Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering, Council of Canadian Academies (released March 2022). I was a member of this expert panel.
Welch E, Louafi S, Carroll SR, Hudson M, IJsselmuiden C, Kane N, Leonelli S, Marin A, Özdemir V, Reichman JH, Tuberosa R, Ubalijoro E, Wesseler J (2021) Post COVID-19 Implications on Genetic Diversity and Genomics Research & Innovation: A Call for Governance and Research Capacity. White Paper (released 6 July 2021).
Alan Turing Institute (2021) Report “Data Science and AI in the Age of COVID-19” (I was co-author and group lead of the “Data readiness, collection and monitoring” working group)
Co-author of Alan Turing Institute Response to the UK National Data Strategy (2021).
DATA TOGETHER (2020) Open Science for a Global Transformation. Data Together Response to UNESCO Consultation on Open Science. 29 pages. [I co-authored the response, which went on to strongly influence the 2023 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science] DOI:
Participant in evidence gathering on Royal Society Report “Digital Technology and the Planet”, July 2020.
Consulting role on the “The Future of Citizen Data Systems” Report of the UK Government Office for Science, July 2020 (report released September 2020: ).
Open Science Policy Platform (2020) Progress on Open Science: Towards a Shared Research Knowledge System. Final Report of the Open Science Policy Platform: European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. URL: DOI: 10.2777/00139 I co-authored the report as an OSPP member representing the Global Young Academy from 2016 to 2019.
Ankeny, R and Leonelli, S (2019) Presentation in response to invitation to contribute to US National Academies of Sciences inquiry on the nature of collections in the life sciences: “A Philosophical Perspective on Biological Collections” .
Vermeir, K, Riede, M, Leonelli, S (2018) Opportunities and Challenges for Implementing Plan S: The View of the Young Academies. URL:
Open Science Policy Platform (2018) OSPP-REC: Recommendations of the Open Science Policy Platform. Presented to Competitiveness Council of the European Commission in May 2018. URL: DOI: 10.2777/958647
Together with Rebecca Lawrence and Catriona MacCallum, I was responsible for drafting and finalising the document in consultation with the OSPP as a whole.
European Commission (2018) Open Science: Altmetrics and Rewards. Final Report for the Mutual Learning Exercise Open Science: Altmetrics and Rewards of the European Commission (Sabina Leonelli is one of four co-authors). URL:
Vermeir, K, Leonelli, S et al. (2018) Global Access to Research Software: The Forgotten Pillar of Open Science Implementation. A Global Young Academy Report. Halle: Global Young Academy. ISBN: 978-3-8047-3851-5. URL:
European Commission (2018) Implementing Open Science: Strategies, Experiences and Models. Thematic Report No 4 for the Mutual Learning Exercise on Open Science: Altmetrics and Rewards of the European Commission. Sabina Leonelli is the reports’ sole author.
European Commission (2017) Incentives and Rewards to Engage in Open Science Activities. Thematic Report No 3 for the Mutual Learning Exercise Open Science: Altmetrics and Rewards of the European Commission. Sabina Leonelli is the reports’ sole author.
Leonelli, S. (2017) Biomedical Knowledge Production in the Age of Big Data. Report for the Swiss Science and Innovation Council, published online November 2017: (reported in Research Professional, December 2017 and Research Europe, February 2018 – key document informing Swiss policy on big and open data in biomedicine) ISBN 978-3-906113-52-4
DATA_SCIENCE project featured as a case study for best practice in Open Science for a study on Open Access to publications and research data management and sharing within projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC), which was commissioned by the ERC Executive Agency (ERCEA). Published online 2018. URL: TBA.
Chair and co-author of the Position Statement on Open Science Publishing by the Open Science Policy Platform of the European Commission, published online May 2017: On the basis of this document, the European Competitiveness Council decided in 2017 to institute a new European Publishing Platform (as reported by Nature and Science magazines).
Leonelli, S (2017) ”Perspective: Data Use, Equality and Society.” In: Data Management and Use: Governance in the 21st Century. A Joint Report of the Royal Society and the British Academy.
Lowe JWE, Collis M, Davies G, Leonelli S, Lewis DI and Zecharia AY (2016) An Evaluation of the Integrative Pharmacology Fund: Lessons for the future of in vivo education & training. London: British Pharmacological Society.
Digital Science Report (2016) The State of Open Data. London, Holtzbrinck Publishing Group. Featuring leading thought piece by Sabina Leonelli: ”Why Open Data Now?”, pp.7-11.
Invited expert witness for Royal Society and British Academy joint consultation on Data Governance, London, 20 October 2016.
Chair and lead author of the Open Data Position Statement of the Global Young Academy and the European Young Science Academies. April 2016.
Co-author of GYA Response to the Call for Evidence by the Open Science Policy Platform of the European Commission "Next-generation Altmetrics: Responsible Metrics and Evaluation for Open Science"
Invited Participation as a ‘Reader’ for the Science International Expert Working Group on Big Data/Open Data, October 2015.
Data Studies Response to Draft Concordat on Open Research Data. September 2015.
Invited participant in Discussion Group on Data Science and Ethics, Cabinet Office, UK Government Innovation Group (November 2014, March 2015).
Coordinator and lead author: Global Young Academy Response to ‘Science 2.0: Science in Transition’ consultation of The European Commission's Directorates-General for Research and Innovation (RTD), May 2014.
Levin, N. and Leonelli, S. (2014) Egenis response to Nuffield Council of Bioethics Consultation ‘The linking and use of biological and health data in biology and biomedicine’, January 2014.
Coordinator & co-author: Global Young Academy Position Statement on Global Research. November 2013.
Coordinator & co-author: Global Young Academy Position Statement on Open Science. November 2012.
Leonelli, S. and Bastow, R. (2012) Report for GARNet/BBSRC: Making Data Accessible to All. Available at; reported in EASST Reviews:
Contribution to International Council for Science (ICSU) Advisory Note: Revaluing Science in the digital age. October 2012.
Contribution to GARNet Response to BBSRC Consultation on Digital Organisms, September 2012.
Response to Nuffield Foundation Consultation on ‘New Approaches to Biofuels’. March 2010. Biofuels%20Response.pdf
Report for GARNet/BBSRC: ‘Business Models for Database Funding’. April 2010.
Response to OECD Consultation on ‘Data Sharing in Genomics’. June 2008.
All datasets are collected under the Zenodo folders “Exeter Data Studies” and „Studies of Open Science“
Tempini, N. and Leonelli, S. (2019) [DATA_SCIENCE] Interviews MEDMI, 2015-2016. Zenodo.
Leonelli, S. (2018). [DATA_SCIENCE] Interviews Plant Phenomics, 2015 [Data set]. Zenodo.
Leonelli, S. (2017) [DATA_SCIENCE] Interviews PomBase Users, January-February 2016. figshare.
Bezuidenhout, Louise; Rappert, Brian; Leonelli, Sabina; H. Kelly, Ann (2016) Datasets for Beyond the Digital Divide: Sharing Research Data across Developing and Developed Countries. figshare.
PHIL_OS team (2024) “The Research Game”. Tabletop game about inequity in global research practices.
Non-Refereed Contributions
Leonelli, S. (2024, under production) “The Continuing Significance of the Philosophy of Data.” Preface to the Chinese edition of Data-Centric Biology: A Philosophical Study.
Milano S, McGrane J, Leonelli S (2023) “Large Language Models challenge the future of higher education”. Nature Machine Intelligence
Leonelli, S, Kirk R, Myelnikov D (2023) Editorial. “Circulating bodies: Human-animal movements in science and medicine.” History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 45:9
Leonelli, S (2023) “No End in Sight”. Jarhbuch Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin 2021-2022, pp. 132-136.
Leonelli, S. (2022) “Introduction: Biological Knowledge in a Time of COVID-19”. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40:44
Leonelli, S. (2022) “Scaling Up: The Radical Challenge of Democratic Data Governance.” Frontiers Policy Labs.
Leonelli, S. (2022) Interview with Sabina Leonelli. In Gouveia, S. (eds) Thinking the New World: Conversations in Artificial Intelligence. Kindle Publishing, pp. 241-267.
Video Animation (2021) “Open Science: using the power of responsible data sharing and open science to tackle climate change”
Leonelli, Sabina, Bezuidenhout, Louise, Schuster, Doug, & Stall, Shelley. (2021, October 1). Democratization of Data. Zenodo.
Leonelli, S. (2021) Protecting High-Quality Scholarship through Fair Open Access: Reflections on the Diamond OA Study. Coalition S Blog.
Leonelli, S. (2021, published online: 8 September 2021) Apriti, Scienza! In: Wired Italia, Spring edition, pp. 48-53.
Leonelli, S. (2020) big data; plurality; neutrality; AI; Coronavirus; pandemic; relativism; open science. In: The Index of Evidence, 61
Leonelli, S. (2020). Opening the Research Process: From Publications to Data, and Back Again. Zenodo.
Cousins T, Leonelli S, Pentacost M, Rajan KS. (2020) Situating the Biology of COVID-19: A Conversation on Disease and Democracy. The India Forum
Leonelli S and Williamson H. (2020) Intelligent plant data linkage: A view from history, philosophy and social studies of science [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2020, 9:260 (slides) (doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1117842.1).
Boniolo, G. and Leonelli, S. (2019) Intellectual Directions for History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 2019-2023. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41:28
Leonelli S. Intelligent plant data linkage: a view from history, philosophy and social studies of science [version 1; not peer reviewed]. F1000Research 2019, 8:1815 (slides) (doi: 10.7490/f1000research.1117580.1)
Leonelli, S. (2018) Without Urgent Action Big and Open Data may widen existing inequalities and social divides. LSE Impact Blog, 14 February 2018.
Rappert, B, Leonelli, S. and Bezuidenhout, L (2018) New Deal on Data Needed If Open Science Is To Go Global. View from the Top, Research Fortnight, 17 January 2018.
Leonelli, S. (2017) Interview for Cartaditalia issue 3, November 2017, as part of a series featuring leading Italian researchers under 40:
Leonelli, S. (2017) More than Data Collectors: Valuing Data Expertise Beyond Professional Science. Harvard Bill of Health Blog. 4 May 2017.
Leonelli, S. (2017) Data-Centric Science Will Change How We Measure the Value of Research. Research Europe, 23 February 2017.
Leonelli, S. (2017) Big and Open Data Are Prompting A Reform of Scientific Governance. The Times Higher Education Blog, 21 February 2017.; republished in Times Higher Education Magazine, February 2017.
Leonelli, S. (2016) Open Data: Curation Is Under-Resourced. Nature 538 (7623): 41. doi:10.1038/538041d
Leonelli, S. (2016) Why Open Data Now? In: Report “State of Data”, Digital Science London.
Leonelli, S. (2016) What Are Data? In Atlas of Science. April 2016.
Leonelli, S. (2016). Towards a Truly Global Open Science. GYA Connections 4, May 2016.
Leonelli, S. (2016). Research Environment. GYA Connections 4, May 2016.
Leonelli, S. and Prainsack, B. (2015). Learned Societies Should Lead the Way to Open Science. View from the Top Section, Research Europe 2 July 2015,
Leonelli, S. and Bezuidenhout, L. (2015) The Politics of Data: The Rising Prominence of a Data-Centric Approach to Scientific Research. LSE Impact Blog. Published online December 2015.
Prainsack, B. and Leonelli, S. (2015) To What Are We Opening Science? LSE Impact Blog. Published online May 2015.
Leonelli, S. (2015) Editorial: The Philosophical Import of the Philosophy of Special Sciences. The Reasoner, Vol 9, number 3.
Leonelli, S. (2015) Interview with Rachel Ankeny, John Dupre and James Griesemer: On the Philosophy of Biology. The Reasoner, vol. 9, number 3.
Leonelli, S. (2015) Interview for LSE Impact Blog, Philosophy of Data Science series. Published online 19 January 2015:
Leonelli, S. (2014) Curation of webpage on visualisations in the history and philosophy of biology:
Levin, N. and Leonelli, S. (2014) Workshop Report “The Value of Open Science”. EASST Review, March 2014.
Leonelli, S. (November 2012) Open Data and Privacy Concerns in Biomedical Research. Open Knowledge Foundation blog and Open Science blog .
Leonelli, S. (2012) The Brain Drain. Britain in 2013, p.88.
Leonelli, S and Barwich, A (2012) Editorial: Philosophy and Experiments. The Reasoner.
Donaghy, J and Leonelli, S (2012) Interview with Giovanna Colombetti. The Reasoner.
Leonelli, S. (2011) The Human Face of Data-Intensive Biology. The Newsletter of the ESRC Genomics Network, issue 13, pp. 10-12.
Leonelli, S. (2010) Key concerns that should travel between e-social and e-natural science. E-Research Ethics Website.
Leonelli, S. (2008) Circulating Evidence Across Research Contexts: The Locality of Data and Claims in Model Organism Biology. LSE Working Papers on the Nature of Evidence: How Well Do ‘Facts’ Travel?, No. 25/08.
Leonelli, S. (2008) Regulating Data Travel in the Life Sciences: The Impact of Commodification. LSE Working Papers on the Nature of Evidence: How Well Do ‘Facts’ Travel?, No. 27/08.
Leonelli, S. (2002) Understanding Infrared Metaphysics: Melloni’s Quest for Identity, Measurement in Physics and Economics Discussion Paper Series, DP MEAS 22/02, ISSN1465-637X.
Conference Proceedings
Leonelli, S (2009) A HPSSB (History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology) Perspective on Biomedical Ontologies. eScience-2009: Workshop Proceedings.
Leonelli, S (2009) The Role of Bio-Ontologies In Data-Driven Research: A Philosophical Perspective. Nature Proceedings Collection.
PhD Dissertation [published Open Access by VU Amsterdam]
Leonelli, S. (2007) Weed for Thought. Using Arabidopsis thaliana to Understand Plant Biology. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Open Access:;jsessionid=6AD4C79DF93F2C96D9D0110615F78B78?sequence=1
- Offene Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft
- Datenethik und Governance
- Philosophie der Daten: Empirische Grundlagen der Wissenschaft und KI
- Verständnis von Desinformation
- Methoden in der empirischen Philosophie der Wissenschaft und Technik
- Wissenschaftliche Forschung und Umweltgerechtigkeit: Wissenschaft für die Gesundheit des Planeten
- Philosophie der Lebens- und Umweltwissenschaften
- Ungleichheit und Diskriminierung in Wissenschaft und Technologie
- AI in Diverse Societies (Sommersemester 2025)
- Philosophy of Science and Technology (Wintersemester 2025–2026)
- Information and Society (Sommersemester 2025)
- STS Methods (Sommersemester 2025)
Meine Forschung erstreckt sich über die Bereiche der Geschichte und Philosophie der Biologie, der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung sowie der allgemeinen Wissenschaftsphilosophie. Derzeit konzentriere ich mich auf vier miteinander verbundene Forschungsstränge:
[1] Die Philosophie, Geschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der datenintensiven Wissenschaft und empirischen Forschung, insbesondere die Auswirkungen von Big/Open Data und generativer KI auf Forschung und Gesellschaft, verantwortungsvolle Datenverwaltung und -governance, Dateninfrastrukturen und den Aufbau von Semantik, um Datenverknüpfungen in den Pflanzen-/Agrarwissenschaften und der Biomedizin zu ermöglichen;
[2] Die Philosophie und Geschichte der Offenen Wissenschaft, die wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Implikationen der Umsetzung von Open-Science-Politiken und -Verfahren sowie allgemein die politische Ökonomie und Governance wissenschaftlicher Forschung;
[3] Die Philosophie und Geschichte von Organismen als Forschungsmodelle; und
[4] Die Geschichte und Erkenntnistheorie der Pflanzen- und Agrarwissenschaften, insbesondere die globale Zirkulation von Pflanzendaten, ihre Beziehung zu biologischen Materialien und landwirtschaftlichen Entwicklungsstrategien sowie ihre Bedeutung für das Verständnis der biologischen Forschung im 21. Jahrhundert über das Labor hinaus.
Ich stehe regelmäßig im Dialog mit nationalen Regierungen, internationalen Organisationen und wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften/Institutionen als Beraterin. Seit 2019 bin ich Plan S Ambassador und war 2021-2022 Thinker in Residence im Programm zur Reproduzierbarkeit und Replizierbarkeit in der Wissenschaft der Flämischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Ich bin Gutachterin für das Italienische Nationale Zentrum für Hochleistungsrechnen, Big Data und Quantencomputing und fungiere als Beraterin für das FAIR-IMPACT-Projekt, die SAIL-Datenbank und die Arbeitsgruppe der Royal Society zu den Auswirkungen disruptiver Technologien auf die Forschung, neben anderen Initiativen. Die Universität Exeter stellte eine hoch bewertete Fallstudie im Rahmen von REF2021 vor, die sich mit meiner Forschung und politischen Beteiligung zur Offenen Wissenschaft befasste. Von 2016 bis 2019 war ich Mitglied der Open Science Policy Platform der Europäischen Kommission (unter anderem Mitautorin der 2018 OSPP-REC-Erklärung), und 2017-2018 diente ich als zentrale Expertin in der Mutual Learning Exercise zu Open Science (Policy Support Facility) der GD Forschung und Innovation der Europäischen Kommission. Ich bin Alumna der Global Young Academy, wo ich von 2015 bis 2017 die Arbeitsgruppe zur Offenen Wissenschaft innerhalb des Themenbereichs Forschungsumfeld leitete. Im März 2018 haben wir einen bahnbrechenden Bericht über „Global Access to Open Software: The Forgotten Pillar of Open Science“ veröffentlicht, der auf einer Umfrage von GYA-Mitgliedern in Ghana, Nigeria und Bangladesch basiert. Viele weitere von mir verfasste Politikberichte sind hier verfügbar.
Ich werde regelmäßig eingeladen, meine Arbeit vor verschiedenen Zielgruppen in mehreren Ländern und Institutionen zu präsentieren, darunter zahlreiche führende Universitäten, die Royal Society, die Europäische Kommission, der Europäische Forschungsrat, die Leopoldina, die American Association for the Advancement of Science, das World Science Forum, das Indian Statistical Institute, die Schweizerische Nationalfonds, die International Data Curation Conference, das Public Forum der Philosophy of Science Association, das Field Museum und viele andere.
Ich engagiere mich auch für öffentliche Aktivitäten und Seminare über den akademischen Bereich hinaus und halte in der Regel mindestens einmal pro Woche einen öffentlichen Vortrag. Eine vollständige Liste meiner Keynotes und eingeladenen Vorträge finden Sie in meinem Lebenslauf (PDF). Für bevorstehende Vorträge und Verpflichtungen besuchen Sie die Website der Studien zur Offenen Wissenschaft (
AcademiaNET (seit 2023)
Academia Europaea [AE] (seit 2021)
Society for the Philosophy of Science in Practice [SPSP] (seit 2009)
Philosophy of Science Association [PSA] (seit 2007) European
Philosophy of Science Association [EPSA] (seit 2010) International
Society for the History, Philosophy & Social Studies of Biology [ISHPSSB] (seit 2002)
American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS], Sektion L (seit 2016)
British Society for the Philosophy of Science [BSPS]
Society for the Philosophy of Information [SPI]
European Association for Science and Technology Studies [EASST]
Society for the Social Studies of Science [4S]
Association of Italian Scientists in the UK [AISUK]
Talented Italians in the UK [TIUK]
Royal Society of Biology [RSB] seit 2012, gewähltes Fellow seit 2019.
Kluge Chair in Technology and Society 2024, verliehen vom Kluge Center der Library of Congress, USA. Projekt „Openness, Democracy and the Evolution of Technologies of Evidence“, von Mai bis Juli 2024.
Fellow der Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (ab 2024).
Ehrendoktorwürde für herausragende Beiträge zur digitalen Forschung, verliehen von der Universität Tilburg, September 2023.
Mitglied von AcademiaNet, seit Januar 2023.
Patrick-Suppes-Preis für die Philosophie der Wissenschaft 2022, verliehen von der American Philosophical Society für das Buch *Data-Centric Biology*.
Gewinnerin der Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2021 für „Breaking the Wall of Understanding Data“, Sektion Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften, Falling Walls Foundation: [Falling Walls Foundation Link]( ; [Video Link](
Gewähltes Ordentliches Mitglied der Academia Europaea, Sektion Philosophie, Theologie und Religionswissenschaften, seit 2021. [Mitgliedschaft Link](
Auswahl unter die „100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics“ Liste 2020. [Liste Link](
Fellow der Royal Society of Biology, seit 2019.
Vollmitglied der Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences (AIPS, die internationale Akademie für Wissenschaftsphilosophie mit 70 Mitgliedern weltweit, gewählt aufgrund herausragender Forschungsleistungen), seit 2021. Gewähltes Mitglied seit 2019.
Lakatos-Preis 2018 für herausragende Beiträge zur Wissenschaftsphilosophie für das Buch *Data-Centric Biology: A Philosophical Study*.
Das Buch *La Ricerca Scientifica Nell’Era dei Big Data* wurde in die Top-20-Shortlist für den Premio Galileo 2019 (Italiens höchster Preis für wissenschaftliche Kommunikationsliteratur) aufgenommen.
„Talented Young Italians“-Preis für Forschung und Innovation 2017 (verliehen von der Italienischen Handelskammer in Großbritannien an einen italienischen Forscher unter 40 Jahren, der im Vereinigten Königreich tätig ist).
Gold Award für Forschungseinfluss, Universität Exeter, August 2015.
Nominiert für die University of Exeter Teaching Awards 2013 in der Kategorie „Innovative Lehre“ (eine von fünf Nominierungen universitätsweit).
Gewähltes Mitglied der Global Young Academy (2012-2017). [Mitgliedschaft Link](
Marjorie Grene Preis 2007 (verliehen von der International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology für die beste Arbeit in diesem Bereich, geschrieben und präsentiert als Doktorand).
VISU Wiener Kreis Stipendium zur Teilnahme an der Internationalen Sommerakademie, Juli 2004.
Konrad Lorenz Institute Forschungsstipendium, Wien, Juli 2004.
LSE-Förderung zur Unterstützung meiner Forschungsstudien in London für 2001–2002.
AHRC Competition A Stipendium zur Finanzierung meines Masterstudiums 2000–2001.
Dean’s List (Absolventenklasse UCL 2000).
Jackson Lewis Stipendium für die besten Ergebnisse der Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, UCL 1999.
UCL Fakultätspreis als bester STS-Student des akademischen Jahres 1998–1999.