- Programming Engagement: Shaping Human-Robot- Public Interaction in a Smart City Robot Competition. In: Communicative AI in (Inter-)Action: Investigating Human-Machine Encounters outside the Laboratory. Bielefeld University Press, 2024, 27-54 mehr…
- Maintaining innovation: How to make sewer robots and innovation policy work in Barcelona. Social Studies of Science 54 (3), 2024, 352-376 mehr…
- Vanguard Visions of Vertical Farming: Envisaging and Contesting an Emerging Food Production System. Science, Technology & Human Values 0 (0), 2024, 1--32 mehr…
- Innovation. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, 340-348 mehr…
- The politics of politicization: Climate change debates in Canadian print media. Public Understanding of Science 33 (5), 2024, 604-622 mehr…
- Educational Imaginaries: Reforming Danish Higher Education. In: Framing Futures in Postdigital Education: Critical Concepts for Data-driven Practices. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, 99-117 mehr…
- Beyond scalable impacts: Roles of mobility experiments in local transition governance. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 33 (1), 2024, 80--86 mehr…
- Coire: le paradoxe d’une ville pour 150 vallées. In: La Suisse de A(rbon) à Z(oug): Portrait en 12 villes. EPFL Press, 2024, 147-160 mehr…
- Urban mobility policy in pandemic times: An exploration of how Covid-19 affected policy framings and priorities in eight European cities. Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit, 2024, 9--29 mehr…
- Wie Experimente zur verantwortungsvollen Gestaltung der kommunalen Mobilitätswende beitragen können. KommunalPraxis Bayern 2024 (11), 2024, 375-380 mehr…
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- Zukunftsbilder und Imaginaries der Mobilität. In: Handbuch Mobilität und Gesellschaft. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2024, 1--13 mehr…
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- Institutionalising participatory and deliberative procedures: The origins of the first permanent citizens’ assembly. European Journal of Political Research 62 (1), 2023, 156--173 mehr…
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- Understanding regional innovation cultures: Narratives, directionality, and conservative innovation in Bavaria. Research Policy 52 (3), 2023, 104704 mehr…
- Opportunity or responsibility? Tracing co-creation in the European policy discourse. Science and Public Policy 50 (3), 2023, 433--444 mehr…
- A Social Sciences and Humanities research agenda for transport and mobility in Europe: key themes and 100 research questions. Transport Reviews 43 (4), 2023, 755--779 mehr…
- Being, doing, and using STS in Germany? Reflections on identity questions, normative commitments, and conceptual work after STS-hub.de 2023. EASST Review 42 (1), 2023 mehr…
- Picturing the invisible: Legacies of Fukushima in art. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 2023 mehr…
- Introduction to Rethinking the Social in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Studies. In: Rethinking the Social in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, 1--24 mehr…
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- Fixing Technology with Society: The Coproduction of Democratic Deficits and Responsible Innovation at the OECD and the European Commission. Science, Technology, & Human Values 47 (1), 2022, 174--216 mehr…
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- The naturalized disharmony of a socio-technical system: understanding safety in the oil and gas drilling industry. In: Rethinking the Social in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, 210--233 mehr…
- Experimenting with automated driving for technology or for the city? A matter of governance cultures. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 4, 2022, 956853 mehr…
- Constructing (Inter)Disciplinary Identities: Biographical Narrative and the Reproduction of Academic Selves and Communities. In: Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences. Springer International Publishing, 2021, 247--262 mehr…
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- Comparative Covid Response: Crisis, Knowledge, Politics. Cornell University, Harvard Kennedy School, 2021, mehr…
- Hacking Humans? Social Engineering and the Construction of the “Deficient User” in Cybersecurity Discourses. Science, Technology & Human Values 46 (6), 2021, 1316--1339 mehr…
- Cultivating the Innovative Region Participatory Innovation, Citizens and Statehood in Wallonia. NOvation: Critical Studies of Innovation (3), 2021, 42--64 mehr…
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- Mobilizing the private sector for responsible innovation in neurotechnology. Nature Biotechnology 39 (6), 2021, 661--664 mehr…
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- Not in transition: Inter-infrastructural governance and the politics of repair in the Norwegian oil and gas offshore industry. Energy Research & Social Science 75, 2021, 102047 mehr…
- Saving Bavarian Hops in a “Parallel Universe”: Lessons on the Biopolitics of Agricultural Labor in Germany During the Corona Pandemic. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 43 (2), 2021, 85--95 mehr…
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- ‘Studying Up’ on Fukushima. EASST Review 40 (2), 2021, 7--11 mehr…
- Dialogue as therapy: the role of the expert in the ICRP Dialogues. Annals of the ICRP 50 (1_suppl), 2021, 153--159 mehr…
- Innovation ecosystem strategies of industrial firms: A multilayered approach to alignment and strategic positioning. Creativity and Innovation Management 30 (3), 2021, 619--631 mehr…
- Re-visioning public engagement with emerging technology: A digital methods experiment on ‘vertical farming’. Public Understanding of Science 30 (5), 2021, 588--604 mehr…
- Die Glaubenssätze einer innovationsbasierten Transformationspolitik, ihre Artikulationen und Fallstricke am Beispiel der Stadt Dortmund. In: Wissenschaft im Strukturwandel. Die paradoxe Praxis engagierter Transformationsforschung. oekom verlag, 2021, 117--139 mehr…
- Der asynchrone Weg zur urbanen Mobilitätswende. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 30 (1), 2021, 23--28 mehr…
- »Die Benutzer sind das Problem, nicht das System«: Verantwortung, Vertrauen und Vulnerabilität in IT-Sicherheitsdiskursen. In: Politik in der digitalen Gesellschaft. transcript Verlag (1. Aufl.), 2021, 167--188 mehr…
- Book Review: POSSESSING POLYNESIANS: The Science of Settler Colonial Whiteness in Hawai‘i and Oceania. By Maile Arvin. Pacific Affairs 93 (4), 2020, 883--885 mehr…
- Waves of Knowing: A Seascape Epistemology by Karin A. Ingersoll (review). Anthropologica 62 (2), 2020, 440--441 mehr…
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- Teaching (with) Postcards: Approaches in the classroom, the field, and the community. Teaching Anthropology 9 (2), 2020, 56--65 mehr…
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- The Politics of Symmetry. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 9 (1), 2020, 12--18 mehr…
- Turning Straw to Gold: Mobilising Symmetry in Responsible Research and Innovation. Science, Technology and Society 25 (2), 2020, 223--239 mehr…
- Natural Laboratories As Policy Instruments for Technological Learning And Institutional Capacity Building: The Case of Chile's Astronomy Cluster. Research Policy 49 (2), 2020 mehr…
- Warum elektrische Utopien festgefahren sind : das Imaginary Automobilität als Grenze der Verkehrswende am Beispiel der Elektromobilität in Deutschland. Behemoth - A Journal on Civilisation 13 (1), 2020, 70-82 mehr…
- Testing future societies? Developing a framework for test beds and living labs as instruments of innovation governance. Research Policy 48 (9), 2019, 103826 mehr…
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- Zuckerberg and Warren want to fix Big Tech in different ways—and neither of them will work. Quartz, 2019 mehr…
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- At the Periphery of the Empire: Recycling Japanese Cars into Vladivostok’s IT Community. In: From Russia with Code: Programming Migrations in Post-Soviet Times. Duke University Press, 2019, 113--143 mehr…
- Corporate Social Responsibility in an Innovation Era: A Conceptual Exploration. Academy of Management Proceedings 2019 (1), 2019, 16544 mehr…
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- Test Beds as an emerging instrument of STI Policy-Making: How they approach innovation - and reconfigure society. EU-SPRI Conference, 2018Paris, France mehr…
- Testing the Future? Interrogating 'Test Beds' and 'Living Labs' as an Emerging Innovation. Annual Meeting of the Science and Democracy Network (SDN), 2018Munich, Germany mehr…
- Tensions and Trade-offs in Real-World Laboratories - The Participants' Perspective. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 27 (1), 2018, 28--31 mehr…
- Responsible Innovation and Transnational Governance in Neuroscience and Neurotechnology: A Comparative Perspective. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), 2018Sydney, Australia mehr…
- Developing Robust International Principles for Responsible Innovation from Ongoing OECD Work on Neurotechnology and Society. EU-SPRI Conference, 2018Paris, France mehr…
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- A solution looking for a problem? Interrogating the 'Innovation Imperative' and the 'Deficit Model' of Innovation. EASST Conference, 2018Lancaster, U. K. mehr…
- Rethinking diversity in innovation systems: Regional Innovation Cultures and the case of Bavaria. EU-SPRI Conference, 2018Paris, France mehr…
- Building Global Innovation Hubs: The MIT Model in Three Start-Up Universities. In: Does America Need More Innovators?. MIT Press, 2018 mehr…
- Challenging the “deficit model” of innovation: Framing policy issues under the innovation imperative. Research Policy 48 (4), 2018, 895-904 mehr…
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- The diversity of regional innovation cultures in the European Union: 'conservative innovation' in Bavaria. EASST Conference, 2018Lancaster, U. K. mehr…
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- Border Politics. (Re-)defining Spaces, Mobility and Power Relations. Springer, 2017 mehr…
- From 'living lab' to strategic action field: Bringing together energy, mobility, and Information Technology in Germany. Energy Research & Social Science 27, 2017, 25-35 mehr…
- Energiewende durch neue (Elektro-)Mobilität? Intersektorale Annäherungen zwischen Verkehr und Energienetzen. In: Die Energiewende aus wirtschaftssoziologischer Sicht. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, 2017, 119-147 mehr…
- Energiewende durch neue (Elektro-)Mobilität?: Intersektorale Annäherungen zwischen Verkehr und Energienetzen. In: Die Energiewende aus wirtschaftssoziologischer Sicht: Theoretische Konzepte und empirische Zugänge. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (1. Aufl.), 2017, 119--147 mehr…
- From "living lab" to strategic action field: Bringing together energy, mobility, and Information Technology in Germany. Energy Research & Social Science 27, 2017, 25--35 mehr…
- One Site—Multiple Visions: Visioneering Between Contrasting Actors’ Perspectives. NanoEthics 11 (1), 2017, 59-74 mehr…
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- The Ethics of Patenting and Genetically Engineering the Relative Hāloa. Ethnos 82 (1), 2017, 44-67 mehr…
- Reviewed Work(s): THE POWER OF THE STEEL-TIPPED PEN: Reconstructing Native Hawaiian Intellectual History by Noenoe K. Silva and Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o. Pacific Affairs 91 (4), 2017, 868--870 mehr…
- How complex international partnerships shape domestic research clusters: Difference-in-difference network formation and research re-orientation in the MIT Portugal Program. Research Policy 46 (3), 2017, 557-572 mehr…
- Raising the Stakes for STS in Germany. EASST Review 36 (1), 2017, 24-33 mehr…
- Panacea or diagnosis? Imaginaries of innovation and the 'MIT model' in three political cultures. Research Symposium, Department of Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STePS), 2017University of Twente, The Netherlands mehr…
- A solution looking for a problem? Interrogating the Innovation Imperative and the 'Deficit Model of Innovation.'. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), 2017Boston, MA mehr…
- Differential network formation, research re-orientation, and governance challenges in international capacity-building partnerships. Atlanta Science and Innovation Policy Conference, 2017Atlanta, GA mehr…
- Innovation Union? Co-producing European innovation, integration, and identity. Conference On The Limits of Knowing: Ignorance, Promises and Political Economy of Knowledge, Annual Meeting of the 'Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation' Network, 2017Boston, MA mehr…
- Of Bits and Pretzels and Resourceful Bureaucracies: 'Conservative Innovation' in Bavaria. Science And Democracy Network 16th Annual Meeting, 2017Cambridge, MA mehr…
- Co-producing Emirati science and society at Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. In: Accelerating Science and Technology Development in the Middle East: Unleashing the Potential of Near Ties. Gerlach Press, 2017 mehr…
- Co-producing Emirati science and society at Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. In: Science and Technology Development in the Gulf States: Economic Diversification Through Regional Collaboration. Gerlach Press, 2017 mehr…
- Traveling imaginaries: The 'practice turn' in Innovation Policy and the global circulation of innovation models. In: The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Science. Routledge, 2017, 31 mehr…
- Panacea or diagnosis? Imaginaries of innovation and the ‘MIT model’ in three political cultures. Social Studies of Science, 2017, 1-28 mehr…
- Innovation & Society: The Diversity of Innovation Practice. EASST Review 36(1), 2017, 33--37 mehr…
- Innovation and the political state: Beyond the myth of technologies and markets. In: Critical studies of innovation: Alternative approaches to the pro-innovation bias. Edward Elgar, 2017, 68-94 mehr…
- An automobile nation at the crossroads. Reimagining Germany’s car society through the electrification of transportation. In: Imagined Futures in Science, Technology and Society. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society. Aufl.), 2017, 137–165 mehr…
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- A fragile transparency: satellite imagery analysis, non-state actors, and visual representations of security. Science and Public Policy 44 (4), 2017, 524-534 mehr…
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- Humans as Vectors and Intensities. Becom-ing Urban in Berlin and New York City. In: Deleuze and the city. Edinburgh University Press, 2016 mehr…
- Systemisches Wissen für die Energiewende. Weiterbildung für die zukünftigen Heraus-forderungen im Themenfeld der Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz. Lernwelt Elektromobilität - Schrif-tenreihe (4), 10-11., 2016 mehr…
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- Technikfolgenabschätzung von soziotechnischen Zukünften – Reihe Diskussionspapiere des Instituts für Technikzukünfte. , Hrsg.: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2016, mehr…
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- Opening Doors on Responsible Research and Innovation: Past, Present and Future. EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF), 2016Manchester, U. K. mehr…
- Architecting complex international science, technology, and innovation partnerships (CISTIPs): A study of four global MIT collaborations. Symposium International University Research Ventures, Georgia Tech, 2016Atlanta, Georgia mehr…
- A solution looking for a problem? Promises, Social Reconfigurations, and the 'Deficit Model' of Innovation. Transforming Innovation: SPRU 50th Anniversary, University of Sussex, 2016Brighton, UK mehr…
- A solution looking for a problem? Interrogating the Deficit Model of Innovation. 4S/EASST Conference, 2016Barcelona, Spain mehr…
- A solution looking for a problem? Interrogating the Deficit Model of Innovation. Workshop on The Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation, 2016Liege, Belgium mehr…
- Architecting Complex International Science, Technology and Innovation Partnerhips. Transforming Innovation: SPRU 50th Anniversary, University of Sussex, 2016University of Sussex mehr…
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- Architecting complex international science, technology, and innovation partnerships (CISTIPs): A study of four global MIT collaborations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 104 (3), 2016, 38--56 mehr…
- Imagining and enacting the future of the German energy transition: Electric vehicles as grid infrastructure. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 29 (3), 2016, 285-302 mehr…
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- Studying Network Effects in Complex International Science, Technology, and Innovation Partnerships. Proceedings of the Atlanta Science and Innovation Policy Conference, 2015Atlanta, GA mehr…
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- Expertise, legitimacy, and identity: Innovation 'best-practices' and the 'MIT model' in three start-up universities. Conference Can Innovators Be Made? A Dialogue on the Past, Present, and Future of Innovation Expertise, Virginia Tech & Smithsonian, 2015Arlington, VA mehr…
- A solution looking for a problem? Interrogating the Deficit Model of Innovation. Innovation Approaches to Human and Social Sciences, University of Adgers, 2015Kristiansand, Norway mehr…
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- Panacea or diagnosis? Imaginaries of innovation and the 'MIT model' in three political culture. Proceedings of the Atlanta Science and Innovation Policy Conference, 2015Atlanta, GA mehr…
- Imaginaries of innovation: political cultures, national visions of development, and the 'MIT model' in four global MIT partnerships. Workshop on The Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation, UCSD, 2015San Diego, CA mehr…
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- Measuring performance in complex science and technology strategies: A sociotechnical approach to indicator design. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, 2013 mehr…
- Complex International Science, Technology and Innovation Partnerships: Towards a systems architecture framework for analysis, assessment and design. Proceedings of the Atlanta Science and Innovation Policy Conference, 2013 mehr…
- International University Collaborations as an Innovation Strategy for Transitioning Countries: A study of MIT's major international partnerships. Atlanta Science and Innovation Policy Conference, 2013Atlanta, GA mehr…
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- Seeding Change through International University Partnerships: The MIT-Portugal Program as a Driver of Internationalization, Networking, and Innovation. Higher Education Policy 26 (2), 2013, 217-242 mehr…
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