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- Investigating research practices: How qualitative methods enhance philosophical understandings of science. Qualitative Psychology 11 (2), 2024, 247-262 mehr…
- Investigating research practices: How qualitative methods enhance philosophical understandings of science. Qualitative Psychology 11 (2), 2024, 247-262 mehr…
- Climate change and STS. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024 mehr…
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- Innovation. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, 340-348 mehr…
- The politics of politicization: Climate change debates in Canadian print media. Public Understanding of Science 33 (5), 2024, 604-622 mehr…
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- Beyond scalable impacts: Roles of mobility experiments in local transition governance. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 33 (1), 2024, 80--86 mehr…
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- “The Local Consultant Will Not Be Credible”: How Epistemic Injustice Is Experienced and Practised in Development Aid. In: Testimonial Injustice and Trust. Routledge & CRC Press (1. Aufl.), 2024, 478--489 mehr…
- ForGEDI: Massive Open Online Course on gender equality and diversity issues in forest-related sectors. 2024 mehr…
- Gender and geography as inequality dimensions in forest research: insights from a multi-method study. International Forest Policy Meeting 5, 2024 mehr…
- What ‘counts’ in international forest policy research? A study on valuation practice and habitus in an interdisciplinary social science field generating forest-related knowledge, data and evidence. International Forest Policy Meeting 5, 2024 mehr…
- Science as a site of inequality. Environmental Science & Policy 162, 2024, 103917 mehr…
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- Engineering organs, hopes and hybridity: considerations on the social potentialities of xenotransplantation. Medical Humanities, 2024, medhum-2024-013061 mehr…
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- On the meaning of uncertainty for ethical AI: philosophy and practice. , 2023 mehr…
- International Scientific Associations and Conferences as Agents in the Unequal Circulation of Knowledge. In: Routledge Handbook of Academic Knowledge Circulation. Routledge & CRC Press (1. Aufl.), 2023, 169--181 mehr…
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- What ‘counts’ in international forest policy research? A conference ethnography of valuation practice and habitus in an interdisciplinary social science field. Forest Policy and Economics 154, 2023, 103034 mehr…
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- Circulating bodies: human-animal movements in science and medicine. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (1), 2023 mehr…
- Circulating bodies: human-animal movements in science and medicine. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (1), 2023 mehr…
- Circulating bodies: human-animal movements in science and medicine. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (1), 2023 mehr…
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- Time, Technology, and International Law. Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 117, 2023, 159--172 mehr…
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- Large language models challenge the future of higher education. Nature Machine Intelligence 5 (4), 2023, 333-334 mehr…
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- Opportunity or responsibility? Tracing co-creation in the European policy discourse. Science and Public Policy 50 (3), 2023, 433-444 mehr…
- Opportunity or responsibility? Tracing co-creation in the European policy discourse. Science and Public Policy 50 (3), 2023, 433--444 mehr…
- A Social Sciences and Humanities research agenda for transport and mobility in Europe: key themes and 100 research questions. Transport Reviews 43 (4), 2023, 755--779 mehr…
- Philosophy of Open Science. Elements in the Philosophy of Science. Cambridge University Press, 2023 mehr…
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- Experimenting with researcher positionality: A reflexive study of inequality in academic collaborations for sustainability.The case of forest governance. 6th Nordic STS conference, 2023 mehr…
- Data management challenges for artificial intelligence in plant and agricultural research. F1000Research 10, 2023, 324 mehr…
- Künstliche Intelligenz - Ethik und Recht. C.H. Beck (1. Aufl.), 2022 mehr…
- Special Issue of the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP): The Governance of Artificial Intelligence. Band 29. Routledge, 2022 mehr…
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- White Paper - Rule of Law, Legitimacy and Effective COVID-19 Control Technologies. , 2022 mehr…
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- EcoDM - Ökosystem Datenmanagement: Analysen - Empfehlungen - FAIRifizierung. 2022 mehr…
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- Global Data Quality Assessment and the Situated Nature of “Best” Research Practices in Biology. Data Science Journal 16, 2017 mehr…
- Data management and best practice for plant science. Nature Plants 3 (6), 2017 mehr…
- Raising the Stakes for STS in Germany. EASST Review 36 (1), 2017, 24-33 mehr…
- Science, Fast and Slow – Über die Beschleunigung der Wissenschaft. Laborjournal (7-8), 2017, 28-31 mehr…
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- Crafting a Career in STS: Meaning Making, Assessment, and Interdisciplinary Engagement. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 3, 2017, 84-91 mehr…
- The Biosocial Genome? Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Environmental Epigenetics, Health and Society. EMBO reports 18 (10), 2017, 1677-1682 mehr…
- Thinking with Indicators. Exploring the Epistemic Impacts of Academic Performance Indicators in the Life Sciences. Research Evaluation 26 (3), 2017, 157-168 mehr…
- Panacea or diagnosis? Imaginaries of innovation and the 'MIT model' in three political cultures. Research Symposium, Department of Science, Technology, and Policy Studies (STePS), 2017University of Twente, The Netherlands mehr…
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- Co-producing Emirati science and society at Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. In: Science and Technology Development in the Gulf States: Economic Diversification Through Regional Collaboration. Gerlach Press, 2017 mehr…
- Traveling imaginaries: The 'practice turn' in Innovation Policy and the global circulation of innovation models. In: The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Science. Routledge, 2017, 31 mehr…
- Panacea or diagnosis? Imaginaries of innovation and the ‘MIT model’ in three political cultures. Social Studies of Science, 2017, 1-28 mehr…
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- Innovation and the political state: Beyond the myth of technologies and markets. In: Critical studies of innovation: Alternative approaches to the pro-innovation bias. Edward Elgar, 2017, 68-94 mehr…
- How Biologists ‘Meet’. In: Methodological Reflections on Practice Oriented Theories. Springer International Publishing, 2017, 221-234 mehr…
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- An automobile nation at the crossroads. Reimagining Germany’s car society through the electrification of transportation. In: Imagined Futures in Science, Technology and Society. Routledge (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society. Aufl.), 2017, 137–165 mehr…
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- Big Data from Outer Space: Opportunities and Challenges for Crisis Response. In: Yearbook on Space Policy. Springer Vienna, 2017, 215-225 mehr…
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- Repertoires: A post-Kuhnian perspective on scientific change and collaborative research. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 60, 2016, 18-28 mehr…
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- Dynamic and Evolutive Interpretation of the ECHR by Domestic Courts? An Inquiry into the Judicial Architecture of Europe. In: The Interpretation of International Law by Domestic Courts. Oxford University Press, 2016, 175-198 mehr…
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- Humans as Vectors and Intensities. Becom-ing Urban in Berlin and New York City. In: Deleuze and the city. Edinburgh University Press, 2016 mehr…
- How differences matter: tracing diversity practices in obesity treatment and health promotion. Sociology of Health & Illness 39 (1), 2016, 127-142 mehr…
- How differences matter: tracing diversity practices in obesity treatment and health promotion. Sociology of Health & Illness 39 (1), 2016, 127-142 mehr…
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- Quantifying ‘Output’ for Evaluation: Administrative Knowledge Politics and Changing Epistemic Cultures in Dutch Law Faculties. Science and Public Policy 44 (2), 2016, 284-293 mehr…
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- Architecting complex international science, technology, and innovation partnerships (CISTIPs): A study of four global MIT collaborations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 104 (3), 2016, 38--56 mehr…
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- Imagining and enacting the future of the German energy transition: Electric vehicles as grid infrastructure. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 29 (3), 2016, 285-302 mehr…
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- Panacea or diagnosis? Imaginaries of innovation and the 'MIT model' in three political culture. Proceedings of the Atlanta Science and Innovation Policy Conference, 2015Atlanta, GA mehr…
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- Studying Network Effects in Complex International Science, Technology, and Innovation Partnerships. Canadian Science Policy Conference, 2014Halifax, Nova Scotia mehr…
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- Data Interpretation in the Digital Age. Perspectives on Science 22 (3), 2014, 397-417 mehr…
- Postdoctoral Life Scientists and Supervision Work in the Contemporary University: A Case Study of Changes in the Cultural Norms of Science. Minerva 52 (3), 2014, 329-349 mehr…
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- Joseph November, Biomedical Computing: Digitizing Life in the United States. Social History of Medicine 26 (3), 2013, 586-587 mehr…
- Integrating data to acquire new knowledge: Three modes of integration in plant science. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4), 2013, 503-514 mehr…
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- Why the Current Insistence on Open Access to Scientific Data? Big Data, Knowledge Production, and the Political Economy of Contemporary Biology. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 33 (1-2), 2013, 6-11 mehr…
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- Complex International Science, Technology and Innovation Partnerships: Towards a systems architecture framework for analysis, assessment and design. Atlanta Science and Innovation Policy Conference, 2013 mehr…
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- Complex International Science, Technology and Innovation Partnerships: Towards a systems architecture framework for analysis, assessment and design. Proceedings of the Atlanta Science and Innovation Policy Conference, 2013 mehr…
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