
Responsible Inclusion in Robotics Design: How far upstream can we swim?

Wissenschafts- und Technologiepolitik, Events |

Dear colleagues, students & friends,

We want to extend you a cordial invitation to the lunch talk by Stevienna de Saille, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Sheffield and lead of the 'Human Futures' theme in the research project iHuman.

Stevienna de Saille

Responsible Inclusion in Robotics Design:

How far upstream can we swim? 

Tuesday, 2nd of July 2024, 13.30-15.00

Location: Augustenstr. 46, room 370

 If you would like to attend online, please use the following Zoom link:

[Meeting-ID: 698 9773 2791| Password: 565521]

Speaker Information

Stevie’s research interests lie in the nexus of science and technology studies, social movement theory and heterodox economics, all through an intersectional lens. Stevie is currently leading the 'Human Futures' theme in iHuman, where she is developing a programme of research on Robots in a Human Future and continues to publish in the area of human genome editing. She was PI on the multidisciplinary project 'Improving Inclusivity in Robotics Design' and is currently research lead on the UKRI-TAS pump priming project 'Imagining Robotic Care'. She is on the Executive of iHuman and Sheffield Robotics and continues her research on Responsible Stagnation as a founder member of the Fourth Quadrant Research Network, which considers responsible innovation through the lens of steady state economics as a way of maintaining social prosperity in a state of permanent slow growth. Stevie is also a certified facilitator in LEGO Serious Play, which she uses for research (presently as part of Imagining Robotic Care), teaching, and as a consultant on embedding responsible research and innovation into science and engineering projects.

Feel free to circulate this invitation to interested colleagues, friends, and students.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Organized by the Professorship for Science and Technology Policy | TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology, Department of Science, Technology & Society | TUM School of Management, Department of Economics & Policy


Responsible Inclusion in Robotics Design: How far upstream can we swim?

Wissenschafts- und Technologiepolitik, Events |

Dear colleagues, students & friends,

We want to extend you a cordial invitation to the lunch talk by Stevienna de Saille, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Sheffield and lead of the 'Human Futures' theme in the research project iHuman.

Stevienna de Saille

Responsible Inclusion in Robotics Design:

How far upstream can we swim? 

Tuesday, 2nd of July 2024, 13.30-15.00

Location: Augustenstr. 46, room 370

 If you would like to attend online, please use the following Zoom link:

[Meeting-ID: 698 9773 2791| Password: 565521]

Speaker Information

Stevie’s research interests lie in the nexus of science and technology studies, social movement theory and heterodox economics, all through an intersectional lens. Stevie is currently leading the 'Human Futures' theme in iHuman, where she is developing a programme of research on Robots in a Human Future and continues to publish in the area of human genome editing. She was PI on the multidisciplinary project 'Improving Inclusivity in Robotics Design' and is currently research lead on the UKRI-TAS pump priming project 'Imagining Robotic Care'. She is on the Executive of iHuman and Sheffield Robotics and continues her research on Responsible Stagnation as a founder member of the Fourth Quadrant Research Network, which considers responsible innovation through the lens of steady state economics as a way of maintaining social prosperity in a state of permanent slow growth. Stevie is also a certified facilitator in LEGO Serious Play, which she uses for research (presently as part of Imagining Robotic Care), teaching, and as a consultant on embedding responsible research and innovation into science and engineering projects.

Feel free to circulate this invitation to interested colleagues, friends, and students.

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Organized by the Professorship for Science and Technology Policy | TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology, Department of Science, Technology & Society | TUM School of Management, Department of Economics & Policy


Department of Science, Technology and Society (STS)
School of Social Sciences and Technology

Technische Universität München
Arcisstr. 21, 80333 München

Department Head:
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Pfotenhauer

Deputy Department Head:
Prof. Dr. Ruth Müller