Dr. phil. habil. Susanne Koch
Postdoc Principal Investigator
Als Soziologin an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschafts- und Umweltforschung befasst sich Dr. habil. Susanne Koch aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive mit zwei verbundenen Themenfeldern: Ungleichheiten und deren Auswirkungen auf wissenschaftliche Wissensproduktion und Wissensdiversität im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Transformation und nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Sie ist als Projektleiterin am TUM STS Department tätig und mit dem TUM Lehrstuhl für Wald- und Umweltpolitik assoziiert; zudem ist sie Affiliate des Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP) und Research Fellow of CREST and the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Scientometrics and STI Policy, Stellenbosch Universität, Südafrika.
Nach Abschluss ihres Diplom-Studiums der Journalistik und Sozialwissenschaften an der Technischen Universität Dortmund 2010 promovierte sie als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im DFG-Projekt „Wissens-Berater und Experten in sich entwickelnden Demokratien“ (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Peter Weingart) an der Universität Bielefeld. 2015 schloss sie ihre Dissertation in Soziologie mit Auszeichnung ab; in ihrer Arbeit “The Impact of Foreign Experts on Policymaking in Young Democracies – A Comparative Analysis of South Africa and Tanzania” zeigte sie Bedingungen und Herausforderungen von Expertenberatung im Rahmen von Entwicklungszusammenarbeit auf, mit einem Fokus auf die Politikfelder Gesundheit, Bildung und Umwelt.
In ihrer ersten Post-doc Position als wissenschaftliche Assistentin am TUM Lehrstuhl für Wald- und Umweltpolitik (2016-2021, inkl. Elternzeit) befasste sich Dr. Koch mit den spezifischen Bedingungen von Science-Policy-Interaktion im Umweltsektor in Ländern des Globalen Südens, und entwickelte ein Forschungsprogramm zu Wissensungleichheit/-diversität mit Beiträgen zu verantwortungsvoller Forschung und epistemischer Gerechtigkeit. 2021 erhielt sie ein Post-doc Stipendium des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD), um als Gastforscherin am Centre of Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) der Universität Leiden (Niederlande) eine explorative Studie mit dem Titel: “What counts in forest science? An exploratory study on valuation processes in the context of forest science conferences” zu realisieren.
Seit Februar 2022 leitet Dr. Koch das DFG-finanzierte Projekt In-Forest (https://in-forest.research.st/), welches gender- und geographiebezogene Ungleichheiten und ihre epistemischen Effekte am Beispiel der Waldforschung untersucht. Neben ihrer Eigenen Stelle als Principal Investigator beinhaltet das Projekt Kollaboration mit Partnern am Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology der Universität Stellenbosch (Prof. Nelius Boshoff, Co-PI) and Mercator Fellows am CWTS (Leiden University) and am Tanzania Forestry Research Institute.
- Wissenschaftssoziologie und Umweltforschung
- Science and Technology Studies
- Social Epistemology
- Valuation Studies
- Gender Studies und Post-koloniale Theorie
- Ungleichheitsforschung
Bücher, Buchkapitel und Zeitschriftenaufsätze:
- Strelnyk, O., Koch, S., Tetley, C., Sunagawa, S., & Uisso, A. J. (2024). Science as a field of struggle: Gendered experiences of African scholars doing forest governance research. Forest Policy and Economics, 169, 103339. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2024.103339
- Koch, S., Ludwig, D., Boshoff, N., Boakye-Danquah, J., & Mbiah, A. F. T. (2024). Science as a site of inequality. Environmental Science & Policy, 103917. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103917
- Boshoff, N., Ngwenya, S., Koch, S., Dudek, J., Strelnyk, O., Costas, R., Uisso, A.J. (2024): Geographical inequalities in global forest science: A bibliometric perspective. Forest Policy and Economics 165, 103250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2024.103250.
- Tetley, C. and Koch, S. (2024): Narratives of research collaboration for sustainability at the global science-policy interface: A vehicle for inequality or transformation? Environmental Science and Policy (155), 103708. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103708
- Koch, S. (2024): “The Local Consultant Will Not Be Credible”: How Epistemic Injustice is Experienced and Practised in Development Aid. In: Altanian, M. and Baghramian, M. (Eds): Testimonial Injustice and Trust. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon; New York, 478–489.
- Koch, S. and Tetley, C. (2023): What ‘counts’ in international forest policy research? A conference ethnography of valuation practice and habitus in an interdisciplinary social science field. Forest Policy and Economics (154), 103034. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2023.103034
- Boncourt, T., Koch, S. and Matviichuk, E. (2023): International scientific associations and conferences as agents in the unequal circulation of knowledge. In: Keim, W. et al. (Eds): Routledge Handbook of Academic Knowledge Circulation. Routledge: Abingdon, Oxon; New York, 169-181.
- Koch, S. and Matviichuk, E. (2021): Patterns of inequality in global forest science conferences: An analysis of actors involved in IUFRO World Congresses with a focus on gender and geography. Forest Policy and Economics (129). doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102510
- Koch. S. (2020): Epistemische Ungleichheit unter „Entwicklungsexpert*innen“: eine empirische Analyse unter Einbeziehung philosophischer, dekolonialer und postkolonialer Perspektiven. polylog. Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren (44).
- Koch, S. (2020): Responsible research, inequality in science and epistemic injustice: an attempt to open up thinking about inclusiveness in the context of RI/RRI. Journal of Responsible Innovation 7 (3), pp. 672-679. doi.org/10.1080/23299460.2020.1780094
- Koch, S. (2020): „The local consultant will not be credible“: How epistemic injustice is experienced and practised in development aid. Social Epistemology – A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy 34 (5), pp. 478-489. https://doi.org/10.1080/02691728.2020.1737749
- Koch, S. (2018): Identifying enabling factors of science-policy interaction in a developing country context: A case study of South Africa’s environment sector. Forest Policy and Economics (91), pp. 36-45. doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2017.07.007
- Koch, S. (2017): International influence on forest governance in Tanzania: Analysing the role of aid experts in the REDD+ process. Forest Policy and Economics (83), pp. 181-190. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2016.09.018
- Koch, S. and Weingart, P. (2016): The Delusion of Knowledge Transfer: The Impact of Foreign Aid Experts on Policy-making in South Africa and Tanzania. Cape Town: African Minds.
- Koch, S. (2015): The Impact of Foreign Experts on Policymaking in Young Democracies – A Comparative Analysis of South Africa and Tanzania. Dissertation. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld.
Weitere Veröffentlichungen:
- Koch, S. (2024): Gender in research. Chapter in: Elias Andersson, Gun Lidestav and Maria Johansson (eds), 2024, Gender analysis of IUFRO: Identifying opportunities to enhance gender equality across the IUFRO network. Report prepared by the IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality, IUFRO, pp. 4-6. URL: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/task-forces/tf-gender-equality/Gender-analsyis-of-IUFRO-240620.pdf
- Koch, S. (2024) Gender balance and geographical representation at IUFRO World Congresses. Chapter in: Andersson, E., Lidestav. G. and Johansson, M. (eds), Gender analysis of IUFRO: Identifying opportunities to enhance gender equality across the IUFRO network. Report prepared by the IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality, IUFRO, pp. 31-32. URL: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/task-forces/tf-gender-equality/Gender-analsyis-of-IUFRO-240620.pdf
- Koch, S. (2024): (In-) equality, diversity and inclusion in forest science: why it matters. Lecture Article in the Massive Open Online Course “Gender Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in Forestry-related Sectors (ForGEDI)”. SLU Global, University of Padova, IUFRO.
- Koch, S. (2021): Researching conferences as spaces of valuation: a pragmatic approach. Preprint published on SocArXiv. doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/8sxtp
- Koch, S. (2021): Conferences as constitutive spaces of scientific fields. Conference Inference: Blogging the World of Conferences. 26. July 2021.
- Koch, S. (2021): Contextualising epistemic injustice in aid: On colliding interests, colonialism and counter-movements. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 10 (2), pp. 14-21. wp.me/p1Bfg0-5FQ.
- Koch, S. (2020): Why responsible research must tackle inequality in science (not only, but especially during a global pandemic). Fourth Quadrant Research Network Blog. 21 December 2020.
- Koch, S. (2020): On (not) feeling virtual vibes: an academic mother’s EASST/4S online conference experience. EASST Review 39 (2).
- Koch, S. (2020): Of Hopes and Struggles: How Young African Scientists Experience Working Conditions in Academia (A Review of The Next Generation of Scientists in Africa). Backchannels (18.05.2020).
- Lund, J. F., Bukhi Mabele, M., Koch, S. (2016): Norway’s Tanzania REDD+ adventure. Another forestry experiment gone awry. Development Today 12-13, pp. 14-15.
- ForGEDI: Massive Open Online Course on gender equality and diversity issues in forest-related sectors (co-lecturer, starting 2024)
- Contributor to Lecture Series: Current Research at the Department of Science, Technology and Society (STS) (winter terms 2022/23 and 2023/24)
- Guest lecture “Inequalities in Science and their Implications for Sustainability Transformations” in “Introduction to Politics and Technology” (Prof. Tim Büthe)
- Responsibility for Environment and Health: Social and Cultural Perspectives on Environment, Health and Technology (co-lecturer in summer terms 2022 and 2023)
- Making a Mess with Methods II (co-lecturer in summer term 2022)
Reviews for scientific journals:
Critical Policy Studies, Forest Policy and Economics, Journal of Political Ecology, Journal of Responsible Innovation, Land Use Policy, Minerva, Society & Natural Resources, Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitschrift
Reviews of books and commissioned studies, e.g.:
· Halvorsen, T., Orgeret, K.S., Krøvel, R. (Eds.), 2019. Sharing knowledge, transforming societies: The NORHED programme 2013-2020. African Minds, Cape Town.
· Pokorny, B. et al, 2019. Forests as Global Commons: International Governance and the role of Germany, AG Global Commons der Wissenschaftsplattform Nachhaltigkeit 2030 (with K. Böhling)
Review activity for the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Konferenzbeiträge (mit peer-review)
- Boshoff, N., Ngwenya, S., Uisso, A., Koch, S., Costas, R., Dudek, J. (2024): Different representations of forest science in bibliographic databases and the (in-)visibility of Tanzanian research: applying an epistemic (in-)justice lens. 28th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators 2024, Humboldt University Berlin, 20.09.2024
- Varga, J./Koch, S. (2024): Riding the waves: navigating relevance, hope and loss in social science research about oceans and forests. 11th quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S): Making and Doing Transformations. Athena Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), 16.07.2024
- Koch, S. et al. (2024): Gender and geography as inequality dimensions in forest research: insights from a multi-method study. International Forest Policy Meeting 5. University of Helsinki, 11.04.2024
- Koch, S./Tetley, C. (2024): What ‘counts’ in international forest policy research? A study on valuation practice and habitus in an interdisciplinary social science field generating forest-related knowledge, data and evidence. International Forest Policy Meeting 5. University of Helsinki, 10.04.2024
- Koch, S. (2023): Wie lassen sich Ungleichheiten in der Waldforschung soziologisch untersuchen? Ein multi-methodischer Ansatz mit praxeologischer Perspektive. Soziologisches Waldsymposium. Universität Jena, 01.12.2023
- Rogelja, T./IUFRO Task Force on Gender Equality in Forestry (incl. Koch, S.) (2023): Bridging the education–practice gap through the forthcoming Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Gender equality and diversity in forest-related sectors (forGEDi). IUFRO EKE's 2023 Working Party Meeting and Conference. Padova/Venezia, 07.10.2023
- Koch, S., Boshoff, N., Costas, R., Dudek, J., Ngwenya, S., Strelnyk, O., Sunagawa, S., Tetley, C., Uisso, A. J. (2023): Researching inequalities in global forest science: insights from a multi-method study. STI-ENID 27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators. Leiden University, 29.09.2023
- Tetley, C. and Koch, S. (2023): Experimenting with researcher positionality: A reflexive study of inequality in academic collaborations for sustainability.The case of forest governance. 6th Nordic STS conference. University of Oslo, 07.06.2023
- Koch, S. and Tetley, C. (2022): Too orthodox to be transformative? An examination of forest policy research and its role in tackling the deforestation crisis. EASST 2022 – The Politics of Technoscientific Futures. Madrid, 07.07.2022
- Koch, S. (2022): Grasping the scientific self of forest policy researchers: insights from a praxeological study. 4th International Forest Policy Meeting (online), 28.04.2022
- Boncourt, T., Koch, S. and Matviichuk, E. (2021): Les associations et conferences scientifiques international comme agents de la circulation inégale des connaissances. Journée d’étude Congrès Scientifiques et Réseaux Savants. GIS URFIST-LaboratoireGéographie-cités, Paris. 08.12.2021
- Koch, S. (2021): What ‘counts’ in (forest) science? Examining conferences as spaces of academic valuation practice. 4S Annual Meeting (virtual), 06.10.2021
- Koch, S.(2021): Wald in der Dauerkrise und die Rolle der Forstwissenschaften in deren (Nicht-) Bewältigung. Joint Congress of Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS) und Österreichische Gesellschaft für Soziologie (ÖGS), Universität Wien (virtual), 25.08.2021.
- Koch, S. (2021): (Wie) lassen sich virtuelle Konferenzen beobachten? Einblicke und Fragen aus einer explorativen ethnografischen Studie zu (Be-)Wertungspraktiken in der Waldforschung. Workshop Digitale qualitative Forschung – grundsätzliche Ansätze und aktuelle Herausforderungen unter Pandemie-Bedingungen. LMU (virtual), 21.05.2021
- Matviichuk, E./Koch, S. (2021): Gender- and geography-related inequalities in global forest science conferences: an actor-centred analysis of IUFRO World Congresses. International Forest Policy Meeting 3, Freiburg University (virtual), 18.03.2021
- Koch, S. (2020): Inequality in Science as Subject of Scholarly Debate: A Multi-disciplinary Research Synthesis. EASST/4S Conference “Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds“ (virtual), 18.-21.08.2020
- Koch, S. (2016): External Experts’ Influence on Forest Governance in Tanzania. 1st International Forest Policy Meeting, Universität Göttingen, Hann. Münden, 16.-18.03.2016.
- Koch, S. (2014): Undermining Democracy? The Impact of Expert Advice on Policy Processes and Governance in Aid Receiving Countries. 12th Development Dialogue 2014: Rethinking Democracy, International Institute of Social Studies, Den Haag, 16.-17.10.2014.
- Koch, S. (2014): Shaping the Fabrics of the State: The Impact of External Experts on Policy Processes and Governance in Young African Democracies. ASAUK (African Studies Association of the UK) Conference 2014, University of Sussex, 09.-11.09.2014.
Eingeladene Vorträge:
- Koch, S. (2024): Wie sich Ungleichheiten in der Waldforschung manifestieren und reproduzieren: Empirische Einblicke einer multi-methodischen Studie. Online Veranstaltungsreihe des Netzwerks Soziologische Waldforschung. 22.02.2024
- Koch, S., Boshoff, N., Costas, R., Dudek, J., Ngwenya, S., Strelnyk, O., Sunagawa, S., Tetley, C., Uisso, A. J. (2024): Investigating inequalities in the field of forest science: insights from a multi-method study. Sociology of Science Seminar. Technische Universität Berlin, 08.02.2024
- Koch, S. (2022): Science as a field of struggle: investigating inequalities and their epistemic effects in forest (policy) research. Symposium “Resilience in Food and Health Systems”. Center for Life Science Management and Policy, Straubing, 03.06.2022.
- Boshoff, N. and Koch, S. (2022): Science and 'inequality': insights from Africa and environmental fields. CWTS Diversity and Inclusion in Global Science Seminar Series. Leiden University, 20.05.2022.
- Koch, S. (2021): Tackling inequalities on stage and backstage of science conferences. Invited Key Note Talk. ISC workshop: Inclusive and accessible science communication. International Science Council, 15.09.2021.
- Koch, S. (2020): Epistemic injustice and discriminatory credibility judgment of (scientific) experts: linkages and parallels between international cooperation and global science. Philosophisches Seminar der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster, 12.11.2020
- Koch, S. (2019): The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: a lever for transforming the social and epistemic fabrics of science? Workshop “The Eco-Social Development Paradigm, the SDGs and Universities”, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 28.11.2019
- Koch, S. (2019): The perpetuation of epistemic inequality by development cooperation. Invited talk. National SDG Conference Bergen, Day Zero Workshop “Decolonizing and democratizing knowledge”, University of Bergen, Bergen, 06.02.2019
- Koch, S. (2018): Good intentions, detrimental effects: Why foreign aid experts harm young democracies. Invited Talk. Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, Oslo, 16.03.2018
- Koch, S. (2017): The calamitous coupling of science and politics. Invited Talk. Alumni Symposium: Science Policy Interfaces, Research Academy Leipzig, Universiy of Leipzig, Leipzig, 29.11.2017
- European Association for the Social Studies of Science (EASST)
2021: Forschungsstipendium (Postdoc-Programm) des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) für Gastforschung am Centre of Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Universität Leiden (Niederlande)
2016: Dissertationspreis der Westfälisch-Lippischen Universitätsgesellschaft (Bielefeld)
2009 und 2010: Stipendien des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) für Forschungsaufenthalte in Johannesburg (Südafrika)