Martín Fonck forscht und lehrt am Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftssoziologie und dem Department of Science, Technology and Society (STS) der TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology.
Er hat am Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society und am Institut für Ethnology der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) promoviert. Er untersucht die Zukunft von Umwelttechnologien aus einer ethnografischen und historischen Perspektive. In den letzten Jahren hat er sich mit der Geothermie beschäftigt und seine Forschung an der TUM auf Kohlenstoffspeichertechnologien ausgeweitet. Er war wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Forschungsinstitut für Nachhaltigkeit - Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, das Wissenschaftler, Künstler und andere Interessierte an der Schnittstelle von Energiezukunft und Geowissenschaften zusammenbringt. An der TUM erforscht er außerdem den Wandel von Institutionen und Wissenskulturen im Kontext der Klimakrise.
- Umwelttechnologien
- Energiezukunft
- Ethnografie
- Fonck, M. (2024). Geological (Dis)orientations: Training Sites, Storytelling, and Fieldwork in the Chilean Andes. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 0(0).
- Fonck, M. (2024). Subterranean explorations: The Unfinished Promise of Geothermal Energy in the Chilean Andes. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag (Spanish version open access available here).
- Waltorp, K., Dale, R. F., Fonck, M., & du Plessis, P. (2023). Imagining energy futures beyond colonial continuation. In S. Abram, K. Waltorp, N. Ortar, & S. Pink (Eds.), Energy futures: anthropocene challenges, emerging technologies and everyday life. Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Fonck, M., Gómez, M. J. C., & Valdés, C. (2022). Paisajes geológicos: imagen, medida e imaginación en la formación del conocimiento geotermal. In C. Ibarra, S. Vargas, & D. Morata (Eds.), Geotermia en Chile: un siglo de historia para un desarrollo sustentable. Santiago, Chile: Centro de Excelencia en Geotermia de los Andes (CEGA).
- Fonck, M. (2021). Subterranean (In)visibilities: Traces, Underground Water, and Thermal Flows in the El Tatio Geyser Field, Atacama, Chile. Environment & Society Portal, Arcadia, 24. Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society.
- Di Giminiani, P., Fonck, M. & Perasso, P. (2021). Can natives be settlers? Emptiness, settlement and indigeneity on the settler colonial frontier in Chile. Anthropological Theory, 21(1): 82-106.
- Fonck, M. & Simonetti, C. (2020). Resonancias geológicas: Aprendiendo a ser afectados por las fuerzas de la tierra en el Antropoceno. AIBR Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana, 15 (1): 157-178.
- Di Giminiani, P., & Fonck, M. (2018). Emerging landscapes of private conservation: Enclosure and mediation in southern Chilean protected areas. Geoforum, 97: 305-314.
- Fonck, M., & Jacob, D. (2018). „Escuchando el llamado del bosque“: Explorando las dimensiones afectivas de la conservación ambiental desde la etnografía multiespecies. Santuario El Cañi, Chile. Revista Austral de Ciencias Sociales, 35: 221-238.
- Digiminiani, P. & Fonck, M. (2015). El paisaje como proceso de vida: experiencias de domesticación del bosque en el sur de Chile. Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, N° 61: 7-24
Aktuelles Lehrveranstaltungsangebot:
- Fonck, M. (2022) „The limits to tell a story“: Emerging frontiers and unexpected undergrounds following earth system science practices. Paper presesented at the Conference 4S / ESOCITE 2022 – Reunion, recuperation, reconfiguration – Knowledges and technosciences for living together, Cholula, Mexico.
- Fonck, M. (2022). „Geological disorientations„: the unexpected effects of digital technologies in geological fieldwork. Paper presesented at the Conference EASST 2022 – The politics of technoscientific futures, Madrid.
- Fonck, M. (2021). “The Fugitivity of Water”: Steam and Underground Water Aesthetics in Scientific and Political Imaginations of Subterranean Spaces. Paper presented at the Conference “ Reflecting on multiple waters” at the University of Marburg.
- Fonck, M. (2020). „Underground Exploration”: Textures, Scales and Embodied Engagements Producing Geological Knowledge in Chilean Andes. Paper presented at Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) and the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Fonck, M. (2019). “Explorando el interior de la Cordillera de Los Andes”. Presentation at „Energies and Technologies Futures“ workshop organized by the Future Anthropologies and Energy Anthropology Network (European Association of Social Anthropologists), Lyon, France.
- Fonck, M. (2018). Geothermal futures. Paper presented at European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), at the panel Energy in motion [Energy Anthropology Network], Stockholm.
- Fonck, M & Jacob, D. (2017) “Science, collaboration and affects” Panel coordination at the International Conference Knowledge/Culture/Ecologies at the Universidad Diego Portales. Santiago, Chile, November 15 – 18.