M.A. Johanna Hopp


Johanna Hopp is a research associate and PhD-candidate at the Innovation, Society and Public policy group. As a member of the “Transforming Mobility and Society” (TraMS) Lab, her research within the Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Region (MCube) focusses on mobility justice and participation for shaping a socio-ecologically just mobility transformation. She is furthermore interested in feminist theory, degrowth and ethics of care as a baseline for recuperating our broken planet. 

Previously, she worked as a research associate in economics and sustainability at Cusanus Hochschule für Gesellschaftsgestaltung and at the Governance & Sustainability Lab at Trier University. She holds a Master’s degree in Nature, Society and Environmental Governance from University of Oxford and a BA in Cultural Studies from Leuphana University Lüneburg.

Alongside her research, she works as a freelance facilitator and moderator.

  • Science and Technology Studies
  • Mobility Justice and Cultures
  • Socio-ecological transformations
  • Human-nature relationships
  • Degrowth, political ecology and feminist theory

  • Hopp, J. and Steffestun, T. (2020): ‚Uni auf den Acker!‘ – eine weltzugewandte ökonomische Bildung auf Exkursion. In: Bäuerle, L. und Urban, J. Wirtschaft neu denken – Impulse für eine plurale sozio*ökonomische Hochschullehre. Springer VS: München.
  • Hopp, J., Panther, S. and Steffestun, T. (2020): Weitblick braucht Durchblick. Über die Notwendigkeit von Transparenz in der ökonomischen Bildung. In: Hochmann, L. Economists4Future – Verantwortung übernehmen für eine bessere Welt. Murmann: Hamburg.
  • Hopp, J. and Keding, G. (2020): Visioning ; Critique ; Cooperative Mind ; Questioning Mind . Leuphana Universität Lüneburg.
  • Hopp, J. and Theuer, L. (2019): Bidding farewell to growth: How to provide welfare in a degrowth society. Exploring Economics, peer- reviewed online-publication.