Dr. Joakim Juhl


Joakim Juhl is a senior lecturer in the RESET master’s program and a senior researcher at the Innovation, Society & Public Policy group. He is a coordinating member of the NSF funded ‘Traveling Imaginaries of Innovation’ Harvard project. His work focuses on Innovation governance and the repurposing of science, connections to regional political imaginaries, modes of knowledge production and collaborations between Science and Industry. Joakim has previously worked Harvard STS and Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Aalborg University and the Technical University of Denmark. He received his PhD in STS from Aalborg University on the topic of simulation modeling, where Joakim conducted a multi-sited ethnographic study of modeling practices in a danish university-industry energy-efficiency project. Joakim holds a Master’s of Science degree in Innovation management and a Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Design & Innovation at the Technical University of Denmark.

  • (2024) Juhl, J.: Educational Imaginaries: Reforming Danish Higher Education. In Framing Futures in Postdigital Education: Critical Concepts for Data-driven Practices (pp. 99-117). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • (2020) Bates, C. A. & Juhl, J.: Staging referential alignment in industrial-academic collaboration. In Staging Collaborative Design and Innovation. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • (2019) Pfotenhauer, S. M., Juhl, J. & Aarden, E.: Challenging the ‘Deficit Model’ of InnovationReframing policy issues under the innovation imperative. SPRU50 special issue in Research Policy. (Level-2 journal)
  • (2019) Juhl, J. & Buch, A.: Transforming Academia: The Role of Education. Educational Philosophy and Theory. ISSN 0013-1857.
  • (2019) Juhl, J. & Buch, A.: Engineering Business: The co-production of institutions, skills, and engineering challenges. In S. Hyldgaard Christensen (red.), The Engineering-Business Nexus. Springer, Philosophy of Engineering and Technology.
  • (2018) Juhl J. & Buch A.: The Role of Education in Academic Ecosystems. The creative university: Knowledge cultures, critical creative thinking and innovative learning processes. Edited by Birthe Lund, AAU.
  • (2018) Buch, A. & Juhl J.: Sapere Aude revisited and revised: Educational Philosophy and Theory.
  • (2017) Pfotenhauer, S. M. & Juhl J.: Innovation and the political state –Beyond the myth of technologies and markets, Critical Studies of Innovation – Alternative Approaches to the Pro-Innovation Bias, Edited by Benoît Godin and Dominique Vinck. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • (2016) Juhl, J.; Innovation Science: Between Models and Machines, Engineering Studies 8 (2), 116-139.
  • (2016) Juhl, J.: Between Models and Machines: Theoretical Physics and Process Engineering, Engineering Professionalism: Engineering Practices in Work and Education. Edited by Ulrik Jørgensen and Søsser Brodersen. Sense Publisher
  • (2013) Juhl, J. & Lindegaard, H.; Representations and Visual Synthesis in Engineering Design, Journal of Engineering Education (JEE). (Level-2 journal)
  • (2013) Juhl, J.: Models in Action –Realising Abstractions. Monographic thesis defended at Aalborg University, The Doctoral School of Engineering and Science.
  • (2011) Juhl, J. & Gylling, M.; Problems and Potentials in the Creation of New Objects, The International Conference of Engineering Design (ICED11). Copenhagen, Denmark.