
Call for Master Thesis

Innovation, Society & Public Policy, Jobs |

The project team “Hidden Regions: Innovation in the Periphery” is looking for a Master's student who is interested in medium-sized regions and the associated organization and culture of local companies.

We are investigating small and medium-sized cities with relative prosperity, which are characterized by, among other things, “Hidden Champions”, and a strong social cohesion. These regions are increasingly faced with the question of how the “innovation imperative” (Pfotenhauer et al., 2019) and the associated dynamics of globalization can be linked to local identity, culture, history and politics. Based on ethnographic methods, specific regions and their work and organizational culture will be examined.


- Very good language skills in German and/or English

- Very good knowledge of qualitative empirical methods, including ethnography and interviews

- Good basic knowledge of MAXQDA

If you are interested, please send a short motivational letter (400 words), your transcript of records and CV to Cindy Rentrop (


Department of Science, Technology and Society (STS)
School of Social Sciences and Technology

Technische Universität München
Arcisstr. 21, 80333 München

Department Head:
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Pfotenhauer

Deputy Department Head:
Prof. Dr. Ruth Müller