- Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen
Former Director MCTS & Schiedel Chair of Sociology of Science, Sociology of Science
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer
Professor Emeritus, Founding Director of MCTS, Philosophy of Science
Advisory Board
- Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber
Scientific Advisory Board
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang A. Herrmann
Permanent Guest of the Scientific Advisory Board (ex officio)
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kröger
Scientific Advisory Board
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittelstraß
Scientific Advisory Board
- Prof. Dr. Ernst Rank
Permanent Guest of the Scientific Advisory Board (ex officio)
- Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn
Scientific Advisory Board
- Prof. Dr. Peter Weingart
Scientific Advisory Board
- Melpomeni Antonakaki
Former Doctoral Candidate, Sociology of Science
- PhD Sarah Blacker
Former Postdoc, History of Technology
- M.A. Johan Buchhol
Former Doctoral Candidate, Reorganizing Industries
- M.A. Tobias Drewlani
Former Doctoral Candidate, Reorganizing Industries
- M.A. Mariya Dzhimova
former Doctoral Candidate, Law, Science and Technology
- Dr. Sarah Ehlers
Former Postdoc, History of Technology
- Dr. Franziska Engels
Former Doctoral Candidate, Innovation Research
- Prof. Dr. Ignacio Farías Hurtado
Former Tenure Track Assistant Professor (TTAP) of Participatory Technology Design
- Dr. Kay Felder
Former Research Associate, Science and Technology Policy
- Nicolas Fischer
Former Doctoral Candidate
- Dr. Nina Maria Frahm
Former PhD Candidate, Innovation Research
- Dr. Andrea Geipel
Former Doctoral Candidate, Digital Media
- PD Dr. Hajo Greif
Former Senior Researcher, Digital Media
- M.A. Johannes Günther
Former Doctoral Candidate, History of Technology
- PD Dr. Jana Heinz
Adjunct Professor, Sociology of Science
- Christina Hitrova
former Doctoral Candidate, Law, Science and Technology
- Dr. Georg Jochum,
Postdoc, Sociology of Science
- Dr. Nina Klimburg-Witjes
Former Postdoctoral Researcher, Innovation Research
- Dr. Susanne Koch
Postdoc, Sociology of Science
- Dr. Maximilian Mayer
Former Senior Researcher, Innovation Research
- M.A. Claudia Mendes
Former Doctoral Candidate, Partizipative Technikgestaltung
- Dr. Ulrich Meyer
Former Head Post/Doc Lab Reorganizing Industries, Reorganizing Industries
- M.A. Peter Kahlert
Former Doctoral Candidate, Digital Media
- Dr. Elspeth Oppermann
Former Postdoc, Innovation Research
- Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Passoth
Former Head Post/Doc Lab Digital Media, Digital Media
- Dr. Pim Peters
Former Doctoral Candidate, Partizipative Technikgestaltung
- M.A. Nikolaus Pöchhacker
Doktorand, Digital Media
- Dr. Tomas Sanchez-Criado
Former Postdoc, Partizipative Technikgestaltung
- Dr. phil. Christoph Schneider
Former Postdoc
- Dr. Sarah Schönbauer
Former Postdoc, Science and Technology Policy
- M.A. David Seibt
Former Doctoral Candidate, Reorganizing Industries
- Dr. Olena Strelnyk
Science and Technology Policy
- M.Sc. Camilla Tetley
Doctoral Candidate , Sociology of Science
- Dr. Carolin Thiem
Former Doctoral Candidate
- Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wengenroth
Ordinarius für Geschichte der Technik (retired), History of Technology
- Dr. Andreas Wenninger
Former Postdoc, Sociology of Science
- Univ. Jur. Lukas Wörlein
former Research Associate, Law, Science and Technology
- M.A. Michael-Bernhard Zita
former Doctoral Candidate, Law, Science and Technology