Summer Semester 2024

Semester 2

STEM (Mandatory Modules)  
exercise STS-STEM Mentorship Aysel Sultan, Joakim Juhl, Philip Mehl, Svenja Breuer

Semester 4

Master’s Thesis    
colloquium Master’s Colloquium STS & RESET Please join the colloquium of your supervisor's research group

Winter Semester 2023/24

Semester 1

Additional Basics    
seminar Basic Theories and Methods of Science & Technology Studies Bernhard Isopp
Basics & Methods (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Making a Mess with Methods Georgia Samaras, Patrick Bieler; Guests: Christian Djeffal, Felix Mauch
project Immersion Project Bernhard Isopp, Johanna Hopp, Jörg Niewöhner, Michael Nietschmann, Nadine Osbild
seminar Technology & Society (Economics, Politics, Ethics, Law, & Media) Ruth Müller, Sebastian Pfotenhauer, Jörg Wernecke, Christian Djeffal, Silke Beck


Semester 3

Practical Experience (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Internship Joakim Juhl
seminar Master’s Blog Bernhard Isopp
seminar Science School Joakim Juhl
seminar Practicing Research (RESET) Georgia Samaras, Aysel Sultan


Semester 4

Master’s Thesis    
colloquium MA Colloquium STS & RESET – WS 23/24:
Please join the colloquium of your supervisor’s research group.
Aysel Sultan, Sophia Knopf, Christian Djefall

Summer Semester 2023

Semester 2

STEM (Mandatory Modules)  
exercise STS-STEM Mentorship Bernhard Isopp
STS Core Topics (Elective Modules)  

Great Debates on Normativity and Technology

Christian Djeffal
seminar The Future of Data Governance: Sharing, Accessing, Securing and Protecting David Rebohl, Christian Djeffal
seminar Current Discussions in Digital Law Philipp Mehl, Jessica Eynard

Infrastructural Inversion. Prehistories of Connected Mobilities

Felix Mauch
seminar Search History: Research Seminar on the History of Technology in the 20th and 21st Century Daniela Zetti
seminar Responsible Research & Innovation Joakim Juhl, Cecilia Peres

Urban Visions: The Exploration of Innovation Culture

Cindy Rentrop
seminar Innovation in the Periphery? Industrial Legacies, Economic Transitions, and the Politics of "Lost Places" Marlise Schneider
project Applied Ethics of Responsibility Jörg Wernecke

Science in a Post-Truth World

Bernhard Isopp

The Value of Life: Public Health, Policy and Ethics

Aysel Sultan

Telling Responsible Stories – Telling Stories Responsibly

Cansu Güner, Amy Clare
seminar Science, Environment and International Development Anna Bridel
seminar Engineers, Energy, and Responsibility Mallory James
seminar Introduction to Science and Technology Policy Sebastian Pfotenhauer
seminar Inclusive Science and Technology Anna Bridel

The End of the World as We Know It? Cultures of Risk, Crisis & Catastrophe

Makoto Takahashi
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
seminar Make it Happen: Science Communication in Museums Andrea Geipel
exercise Communicating Science: Let’s Make a Science Radio Show Anna Danecker
workshop Game Jam! Reflecting Nature, Technology and Society through Game Design Clara Valdés-Stauber
exercise Science Communication Jeanne Rubner
exercise Meaningful Project Management (From the Idea to the Implementation of Socially Relevant and Responsible Projects) Matthias Haberl
exercise Moderation - How to Guarantee Efficient Communication within Groups Ursula Caser
exercise Intercultural Communication & Cultural Awareness (Skills for a Mindful and Effective Way to Communicate with Each Other) Isabel Reible

Semester 3 & 4

Master’s Thesis    

MA Thesis Colloquium of the Professorship of Innovation Research

Bernhard Isopp, Nadine Osbild

PhD and MA Thesis Colloquium Law, Science, and Technology

Christian Djeffal, Philipp Mehl
colloquium Technikhistorisches Oberseminar Daniela Zetti

Winter Semester 2022/23

Semester 1

Additional Basics    
seminar Basic Theories and Methods of Science & Technology Studies Bernhard Isopp
Basics & Methods (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Making a Mess with Methods Georgia Samaras
project Immersion Project Bernhard Isopp
seminar Technology & Society (Economics, Politics, Ethics, Law, & Media) Ruth Müller, Joakim Juhl, Jörg Wernecke, Christian Djeffal, Silke Beck
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
seminar English Writing for Social Scientists C2 Jennifer Balton-Stier
seminar Master Seminar Business Ethics. Corporate Social Responsibility Marianne Thejls Ziegler
seminar Moderation. Facilitation for Transdisciplinary Work Processes Susanne Schmitt
workshop Meaningful Project Management Matthias Haberl
project Make It Happen Andrea Geipel, Katharina Bock
seminar Communicating Science. Let’s Make a Science Radio Show Anna Dannecker

Semester 3

Practical Experience (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Internship Akanksha Bisoyi
seminar Master’s Blog Bernhard Isopp
seminar Science School Joakim Juhl
seminar Practicing Research (RESET) Georgia Samaras, Cindy Rintrop
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
seminar English Writing for Social Scientists C2 Jennifer Balton-Stier
seminar Master Seminar Business Ethics. Corporate Social Responsibility Marianne Thejls Ziegler
seminar Moderation. Facilitation for Transdisciplinary Work Processes Susanne Schmitt
workshop Meaningful Project Management Matthias Haberl
project Make It Happen Andrea Geipel, Katharina Bock
seminar Communicating Science. Let’s Make a Science Radio Show Anna Dannecker

Semester 4

Master’s Thesis    
colloquium MA Colloquium STS & RESET  

Summer Semester 2022

Semester 2

STEM (Mandatory Modules)  
exercise STS-STEM Mentorship Bernhard Isopp
STS Core Topics (Elective Modules)  
seminar The Value of Life. Public Health, Policy and Ethics Aysel Sultan
seminar Economic and Political Spaces of Innovation Alex Wentland, Marlise Schneider
seminar Socio-technical Systems in the History and Philosophy of Technology Daniela Zetti
seminar Introduction to Science & Technology Policy (ISPP) Sebastian Pfotenhauer

Law and Governance of Artificial Intelligence

Christian Djeffal
project Applied Ethics of Responsibility Jörg Wernecke
seminar Responsible Research & Innovation Joakim Juhl
seminar Science in a Post-Truth World Bernhard Isopp
seminar Telling Responsible Stories Ruth Müller

Great Debates about Normativity and Technology Applied to Recent Events

Christian Djeffal

Making the Invisible Visible. Values in Design and Infrastructure

Paula Helm
seminar Environmental Science and Technology Studies: Making and Responding to the Ecological Crisis Lucas Brunet
seminar Urban Natures. Landscapes, Infrastructures, Technologies Felix Mauch

Urbane Visionen. Eine ethnographische Erkundung der Innovationskulturen Münchens

Cindy Rentrop
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
project Make it Happen: Science Communication in Museums Andrea Geipel, Mariana Arjona Soberon
seminar Socio-Technical Integration Research (STIR) Erik Fisher
workshop Meaningful Project Management Matthias Haberl
workshop Moderation - How to Guarantee Efficient Communication within Groups Ursula Caser
workshop Intercultural Communication & Cultural Awareness (Skills for a Mindful and Effective Way to Communicate with Each Other) Isabel Reible

Semester 3 & 4

Master’s Thesis    

Master's Thesis Colloquium

Winter Semester 2021/22

Semester 1

Additional Basics    
seminar Basic Theories and Methods of Science & Technology Studies Bernhard Isopp, Mak Takahashi
Basics & Methods (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Making a Mess with Methods Georgia Samaras, Anja Rueß, Theresa Willem
project Immersion Project Bernhard Isopp
seminar Technology & Society (Economics, Politics, Ethics, Law, & Media) Ruth Müller, Sebastian Pfotenhauer, Jörg Wernecke, Christian Djeffal, Andreas Wenninger
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
workshop English Writing for Social Scientists C2 Jennifer Balton-Stier, Marlise Schneider
seminar Wirtschaftsethik (Corporate Social Responsibility) Marianne Thejls Ziegler
workshop Meaningful Project Management Matthias Haberl
project Entering Virtual Museum Worlds via the Dark Side of Science Communication Andrea Geipel, Katharina Bock
seminar Science - Society Interfaces Skills Silke Beck
workshop Moderation - Facilitation Skills for Transdisciplinary Work Processes Susanne Schmitt

Semester 3

Practical Experience (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Internship Nils Matzner
seminar Master’s Blog Bernhard Isopp
seminar Science School Nils Matzner
seminar Practicing Research (RESET) Mallory James, Sophia Rossmann, Tess Doezema
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
workshop English Writing for Social Scientists C2 Jennifer Balton-Stier, Marlise Schneider
seminar Wirtschaftsethik (Corporate Social Responsibility) Marianne Thejls Ziegler
workshop Meaningful Project Management Matthias Haberl
project Entering Virtual Museum Worlds via the Dark Side of Science Communication Andrea Geipel, Katharina Bock
seminar Science - Society Interfaces Skills Silke Beck
workshop Moderation - Facilitation Skills for Transdisciplinary Work Processes Susanne Schmit

Summer Semester 2021

Semester 2

STEM (Mandatory Modules)  
exercise STS-STEM Mentorship Bernhard Isopp, Amy Clare, Sophia Rossmann, Antonia Horst, Oguz Özkan, Mak Takahashi, Maryam Tatari
STS Core Topics (Elective Modules)  
seminar Between Empowerment and Control: Unpacking Biomedical Approaches towards Life Georgia Samaras
seminar Co-Creation Lab (SCALINGS) Julia Renninger, Federica Pepponi, Carlos Cuevas, Benjamin Lipp, Anja Rueß
seminar Digitalised Media and Publics Nils Matzner
seminar Economic and Political Spaces of Innovation Sebastian Pfotenhauer, Marlise Schneider, Alexander Wentland
seminar Global Histories of Engineering Shehab Ismail
seminar Introduction to Science & Technology Policy (ISPP) Sebastian Pfotenhauer
seminar Law and Governance of Artificial Intelligence Christian Djeffal
seminar Narratives of Industrial Innovation Katrin Hahn
seminar Project Seminar: Applied Ethics of Responsibility Jörg Wernecke
seminar Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice Katrin Hahn
seminar Science in a „Post-Truth“ World Bernhard Isopp
seminar Telling Responsible Stories Ruth Müller
seminar Theoretical Reflections on Law and Technology Christian Djeffal
seminar Urban Natures. Landscapes, Infrastructures, Technologies Shehab Ismail

Semester 3 & 4

Practical Research & Master's Blog    

Winter Semester 2020/21

Semester 1 

Additional Basics    
seminar Basic Theories and Methods of Science & Technology Studies Bernhard Isopp, Mak Takahashi
Basics & Methods (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Making a Mess with Methods Michael Penkler, Georgia Samaras, Anja Rueß
project Immersion Project Bernhard Isopp,
Katrin Hahn, Sophia Knopf, Mak Takahashi, Amy Clare, Svenja Breuer, Antonia Horst, Christina Hitrova, Stefan Esselborn
seminar Technology & Society (Politics, Economics, Ethics, Law, & Media) Sarah Schönbauer, Sebastian Pfotenhauer, Jörg Wernecke, Christian Djeffal
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
workshop English Writing for Social Scientists C2 Jena Balton-Stier
workshop Moderation – How to Guarantee Efficient Communication within Groups Ursula Caser
seminar Corporate Social Responsibility Marianne Thejls Ziegler

Semester 3

Practical Experience (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Internship Katrin Hahn, Antonia Horst
seminar Master’s Blog Bernhard Isopp
seminar Science School Katrin Hahn
exercise Practicing Research in STS [RESET] Michael Penkler, Nils Matzner
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
project Entering Virtual Museum Worlds via the Dark Side of Science Communication Andrea Geipel, Katharina Bock

Semester 4

Master’s Thesis    
colloquium MA Colloquium STS & RESET Andrea Schikowitz, Nils Matzner

Summer Semester 2020

STEM (Mandatory Modules)  
exercise STS-STEM Mentorship Bernhard Isopp, Sarah Schönbauer, Henning Mayer, N.N.
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
seminar STS Methods 2 (Making a Mess with Methods II) Michael Penkler
seminar Corporate Social Responsibility Marianne Thejls Ziegler
workshop Meaningful Project Management. From an Idea to the Implementation of Socially Useful Projects. Matthias Haberl
seminar Science Communication Jeanne Rubner

Semester 3 & 4

Practical Research & Master's Blog    
exercise Practicing Research (RESET) Andrea Schikowitz
colloquium Master’s Colloquium STS & RESET Sabine Maasen, Andrea Schikowitz

Winter Semester 2019/20

Semester 1

Additional Basics    
exercise Basic Methods in Science & Technology Studies Isopp, Frahm, Vasilyeva et al.
seminar Basic Ideas and Concepts of Science and Technology Studies Isopp, Frahm, Vasilyeva et al.
Basics & Methods (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Making a Mess with Methods Penkler, Samaras, Felder
project Immersion Project Pfotenhauer, Pedziwiatr et al.
seminar Technology & Society (Economics, Politics, Ethics, Law, & Media) Müller, Pfotenhauer, Wernecke, Djeffal, Passoth

Semester 2

STS Core Topics (Elective Modules)  
seminar Law, Science and Technology: Digital Medicine Christian Djeffal

Semester 3

Practical Experience (Mandatory Modules)  
seminar Internship Hahn
seminar Master’s Blog Isopp
seminar Science School Hahn
exercise Practicing Research (RESET) Penkler
Skills Courses (Elective Modules)  
workshop Design Thinking Experience Adam, Bengler


Semester 4

Master’s Thesis    
colloquium MA Colloquium STS & RESET Maasen, Schikowitz, Sutter
Additional Courses (Extracurricular Modules)  
workshop Thesis Writer’s Workshop Holohan



Winter Semester 2018/19

Semester 1

Additional Basics    
exercise Basic Methods in Science & Technology Studies Cuevas
seminar Basic Ideas and Concepts of Science and Technology Studies Igelsböck, Guner-Birdal
Basics & Methods    
seminar Making a Mess with Methods Penkler, Passoth
seminar Technology & Society: Economics, Politics, Ethics, Law, Media Müller, Pfotenhauer, Wernecke, Eisenberger, Passoth
project Immersion Project Pedziwiatr, Pfotenhauer

Semester 3

Practical Research & Master's Blog    
seminar Practicing Research Maasen, Sutter
seminar Master’s Blog & Science School Pepponi
seminar Internship (RESET) Felder, Vasilyeva