
Here you will find information on the four teaching areas to which the Chair of Sociology of Science and Technology contributes.

Vocational education (Bachelor and Master)

As a chair, we offer sociology courses in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs "Vocational Education". A PDF overview of all sociological courses in vocational education for the current semester is available here.

Master progamms at the STS Deparment

We offer teaching in the two Master's programs "Science and Technology Studies" (MA STS) and "Reponsibility in Science, Engineering and Technology" (MA RESET).

Interdisciplinary courses

By focusing on the sociology of science and technology, we ensure synergy effects with the interdisciplinary courses offered by the STS Department ("Science - Technology - Society" / WTG).

Teaching exports

In addition, we provide curricular teaching exports to other faculties - e.g. with social science modules in the elite MA "Neuro-Engineering" program (TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology) and as part of the BSc "Engineering Sciences" (TUM Munich School of Engineering and Design) with contributions to the "MINT Orientation Semester" or the Master's program "Risk and Safety".