Thomas Roiss is a PhD student in the Anthropology of Science and Technology research group, where he is working on ethnographic research on green/sustainable chemistry and chemical pollution.
He got a B.Sc. in Technical Chemistry at TU Wien, and after a brief stint at ETH Zurich then got an M.A. in Science and Technology Studies at TUM. Together with colleagues from ETH Zurich he worked on drafting state of the science reports on chemical pollution, later published by UNEP, as well as a book on chemical products and processes. Before starting his PhD, he also worked 1 year as a middle school teacher in Vienna as part of the program Teach for Austria.
Hungerbühler, K., Boucher, J. M., Pereira, C., Roiss, T., & Scheringer, M. (2021). Chemical Products and Processes. Foundations of Environmentally Oriented Design. Springer International Publishing.
Karrer, C., Roiss, T., von Goetz, N., Gramec Skledar, D., Peterlin Mašič, L., & Hungerbühler, K. (2018). Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling of the Bisphenols BPA, BPS, BPF, and BPAF with New Experimental Metabolic Parameters: Comparing the Pharmacokinetic Behavior of BPA with Its Substitutes. Environmental Health Perspectives, 126(7), 077002.