Linda Widdel is a doctoral candidate at the Chair of Science and Technology Sociology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). In her research, she examines the conditions under which technologies can be destabilized or even abolished through political means, using the case of small hydropower as an example.
Since 2020, Linda has been working as a research associate in the Competence Center for Politics and Society at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. Previously, she completed a Master's degree in Democracy and Global Transformations at the University of Helsinki and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. During her Master's studies, she spent a semester at the University of California, Berkeley. She wrote her Master's thesis in the Sustainability and Technology (SusTec) group at ETH Zurich.
- Sustainability Transitions
- Technology Decline
- Discourse Studies and ideational approaches
- Energy Transitions
- Markard, J.; Rinscheid, A.; Widdel, L. (2021): Analyzing transitions through the lens of discourse networks: Coal phase-out in Germany, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, (40), 315-331.
- De Geus, T.; Avelino, F.; Kutra, M.S.; Pitzer, M.; Wittmayer, J.M.; Hendrikx, L.; Joshi, V.; Schrandt, N.; Widdel, L.; Fraaije, M.; Iskandarova, M.; Hielscher, S.; Rogge, K. (2023). Making sense of power through transdisciplinary sustainability research : insights from a Transformative Power Lab. Sustainability Science.
- Markard, J.; Isoaho, K.; Widdel, L. (2023): Discourses around decline : Comparing the debates on coal phase-out in the UK, Germany and Finland. In: Zahar Koretsky, Peter Stegmaier und Bruno Turnheim (Hg.): TECHNOLOGIES IN DECLINE. Socio-technical approaches to discontinuation and destabilization. Routledge, 118-144.