Dr. Anton Schröpfer

Anton Schröpfer graduated with a degree in sociology with a minor in social psychology and education from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich with distinction in 2013. From January 2014, he was a research assistant at the Chair for the Sociology of Science and a doctoral student at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) at the Technical University of Munich. His research  interest lies in the production of socio-technical innovation cultures in the science system. In August 2020, he completed his doctorate on the "Increasing social expectations of research. A special look at technical universities" successfully. Since then, he is responsible for  teaching sociology in study programs for the vocational education (BA & MA). Since 2022 he works on the production of socially integrative and transformative spaces at the interface of education, art and culture.

  • Creating socially integrative and transformative spaces in education, art and culture
  • Socio-technical innovation cultures in the natural and technical sciences
  • Genesis of knowledge and technology in Nanomedicine

  • Schröpfer, A. (2020): Steigerungsspiel um gesellschaftliche Erwartungen an Forschung. Ein spezieller Blick auf Technische Universitäten”, München: Universitätsbibliothek der TU München.
  • Schröpfer, A. (2017): Fiktionalisierung & Spekulation: Innovieren im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftspolitik am Beispiel der Nanomedizin. In: Soziale Welt, 68/1, S. 45-62.

  • “Moderne Gesellschaften im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung” (Vorlesung, Grundlagen der Soziologie, seit WiSe23_24)
  • Grundkurs II „Soziologische Theorien“ (Seminar, WiSe23_24)
  • Grundkurs I „Einführung in die Soziologie“ (Übung, WiSe23_24)
  • „Gesundheits- und Medizinsoziologie“ (MA-Seminar, SoSe21)
  • „Soziologie des Unterrichts“ (BA-Seminar, SoSe21)
  • „Practices and Politics of Science and Technology Studies“ (MA-Seminar, Science and Technology Studies, SoSe20)

Current course offerings:


  • NanoEthics
  • Space and Culture

  • “Music Studios as Inclusive Social Spaces”, Lightning Talk, Most Wanted Music Convention, 15. Nov. 2023, Berlin.
  • Soziotechnischer Wandel?! Schlaglichter auf Forschung, Lehre und Hochschulen, im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe „Unsupervised Thinking / Unüberwachtes Denken“ an der Evangelischen Akademie Baden, 31.01.2021.
  • Co-Tribution Systems: How to (De-)Normalize Integration of Technopolitics into Academic Life?, EASST2018: Meetings - Making Science, Technology and Society together,25-28. Juli 2018, Lancaster University, UK, 26.07.2018.

  • Sektion Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung der DGS
  • European Association for the Studies of Science and Technology (EASST)

  • Dipl. Degree in Sociology with distinction (2013)