Studies of Philosophy, Psychology, Computational Linguistics and Intercultural Communication in Heidelberg, Tucson, Munich, MA 2005 in Munich. PhD studies at the University of California in Santa Cruz and Berkeley. PhD on “The Paradox of the Primary-Secondary Quality Distinction and Husserl’s Genealogy of the Mathematization of Nature” in Santa Cruz 2012, supervised by Julian Nida-Rümelin, David Hoy, Hans Sluga and Abraham Stone. Subsequently visiting lecturer in Berkeley, research assistant and Principal Investigator in Heidelberg, Vienna, Pullach (Parmenides Foundation) and Freiburg. University teaching in Munich, Santa Cruz (winning a teaching award), Berkeley, Vienna, and online. Head of the focus group philosophical foundations of the digital at the working group Digital Philosophy of the German Society for philosophy (DGPhil). For more information, please see his personal website.
- Philosophy of AI and Digitization
- Phenomenology
- History of Philosophy (especially Ancient Greek, Descartes, Kant, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein)
Durt, Christoph. 2024. “Die Digitalisierung der Lebenswelt: Von der Mathematisierung der Natur zur intelligenten Manipulation des menschlichen Sinn- und Erlebenshorizontes.” In Digitale Lebenswelt – Digitales Selbst. Digitale Gemeinschaft. Digitale Spiele, Hrsg. Maria Schwartz, Meike Neuhaus, und Samuel Ulbricht. Berlin: J.B. Metzler, 2024.
Durt, Christoph. 2023. „Subjectivity and World: The Roots of the Crisis in Husserl’s The Crisis of the European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology“. In Crisis and Lifeworld: New Phenomenological Perspectives, herausgegeben von Hernán Gabriel Inverso und Alexander Schnell, 1st edition. Phänomenologie 35. Baden-Baden: Verlag Karl Alber, 2023.
Durt, Christoph. “The Digital Transformation of Human Orientation: An Inquiry into the Dawn of a New Era.” Winner of the $10,000 Essay Prize. In: Reinhard G. Mueller and Werner Stegmaier (eds): How Does the Digitization of Our World Change Our Orientation? Five Essays (HFPO Prize Competition 2019-2021). Nashville: Orientations Press, 2022.
Durt, Christoph. “Artificial Intelligence and its Integration into the Human Lifeworld.” The Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Wolfram Burkhard, Philipp Kellmeyer, Oliver Müller, and Silja Vöneky, 2022.
Durt, Christoph. “The Embodied Self and the Paradox of Subjectivity.” Husserl Studies, 2019. Download PDF
Durt, Christoph. “The Computation of Bodily, Embodied, and Virtual Reality: Winner of the Essay Prize ‘What Can Corporality as a Constitutive Condition of Experience (Still) Mean in the Digital Age?’” Phänomenologische Forschungen 2020, no. 1 (2020). Download PDF
Durt, Christoph. “From Calculus to Language Game: The Challenge of Cognitive Technology.” Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 22, no. 3 (2018): 425–46, 2018. Download PDF
Durt, Christoph. “Consciousness, Culture, and Significance.” In Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture: Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World, edited by Christoph Durt, Thomas Fuchs, and Christian Tewes. (Cambridge, MA, London, England: MIT Press, 2017). Download PDF
Durt, Christoph, Thomas Fuchs, and Christian Tewes. Embodiment, Enaction, and Culture: Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World. (Cambridge, MA, London, England: MIT Press, 2017).
Durt, Christoph. “Shared Intentional Engagement through Language and Phenomenal Experience.” Frontiers in Psychology and Cognitive Science 5 (2014):1016. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01016. Download PDF
Durt, Christoph. The Paradox of the Primary-Secondary Quality Distinction and Husserl’s Genealogy of the Mathematization of Nature. Dissertation, December 2012. Download PDF
- LLMs and the Patterns of Human Language Use, August 29-30, 2024, Weizenbaum Institute, TU Berlin & online, together with Anna Strasser, Bettina Berendt and Sybille Krämer.
- 2022 Essaypreis der Foundation for Philosophical Orientation für das Essay “The Digital Transformation of Human Orientation: An Inquiry into the Dawn of a New Era“
- 2021–23 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Projekt “A Novel Approach to Artificial Intelligence that Builds on Phenomenological Philosophy”
- 2020–21 Volkswagenstiftung Forschungsprojekt “AI and its Integration into the World of Human Meaning and Experience”
- 2019 Essaypreis der Phänomenologische Forschungen für das Essay “The Computation of Bodily, Embodied, and Virtual Reality”
- 2016–18 EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Researcher Stipendium
- 2015–16 DFG Stipendium in der Excellenzinitiative Cultural Dynamics in Globalised Worlds
- 2013–14 EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie TESIS Experienced Researcher fellowship
- 2011–12 UCSC Philosophiedepartment, Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award
- 2011 UCSC Regents Fellowship
- 2009–10 UCSC Humanities Fellowship
- 2006–7 UCSC Humanities Fellowship
- 2006–10 UCSC Fees and Tuition fellowships für Resident und Nichtresident-Tuition
- 2005–8 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Dissertationsstipendium