Dr. Lauren Cubellis
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
PhD Washington University in St. Louis
Department of Anthropology, 2020
MPH Columbia University
Department of Sociomedical Sciences, 2014
AB Princeton University, Magna Cum Laude
Department of Anthropology, 2011
- Psychological anthropology
- Global mental health
- Science and technology studies
- Experiential knowledge and expertise
- Participatory collaborative research methods
2024 Uehling, Melissa Jen Van Tiem, Beth Broussard, Lauren Cubellis, Aliya Othman, Yamamah Ackleh, Emily Griner, Justin Palanci, and Robert Cotes. Integrating Open Dialogue with Coordinated Specialty Care in a Southeastern U.S. Public Hospital: A Qualitative Study of Clinicians’ Perspectives. Social Science and Medicine – Mental Health. DOI:10.1016/j.ssmmh.2024.100311
2024 von Peter, Sebastian, Ute Kramer, Lauren Cubellis, Georgia Fehler, Guillermo Ruiz-Peréz, Daniela Schmidt, Jenny Ziegenhagen, Madeleine Kuesel, Susanne Ackers, Candelaria Mahlke, Lena Nugent, and Imke Heuer. Implementing peer support work in mental health care in Germany: the methodological framework of the collaborative, participatory, mixed-methods study (ImpPeer-Psy5). Health Expectations 27(1):e13938. doi.org/10.1111/hex.13938
2023 Cotes, Robert, Justin Palanci, Doug Zeidonis, Beth Broussard, Lauren Cubellis, Stephanie Johnson, and Keith Wood. "Feasibility of an Open Dialogue-Inspired Approach for Young Adults with Psychosis in a Public Hospital System. Community Mental Health Journal 59(7): 1428-1435.
2022 Cubellis, Lauren. Competing responsibilities and the distribution of outcome through dialogic practice. Medical Anthropology 42(1):81-93.
2021 Cubellis, Lauren, Christine Schmid, and Sebastian von Peter. Ethnography in health services research: Oscillation between theory and practice. Qualitative Health Research doi.org/10.1177/10497323211022312
2020 Cubellis, Lauren. Gestures of Care and Recognition: An Introduction. Cultural Anthropology 35(1):1-5.
2020 Cubellis, Lauren. Sympathetic Care. Cultural Anthropology 35(1):14-22.
2019 Hopper, Kim, Jennifer van Tiem, Lauren Cubellis, and Leah Pope. Merging Intensive Peer Support and Dialogic Practice: Implementation Lessons from Parachute NYC. Psychiatric Services. doi: 10.1176/appi.ps.201900174
2019 von Peter, Sebastian, Volkmar Aderhold, Lauren Cubellis, Tomi Bergström, Peter Stastny, Jaakko Seikkula, and Dainius Puras. Open Dialogue as a Human Rights Aligned Approach. Frontiers in Psychiatry. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00387.
2018 Cubellis, Lauren. Care Wounds: Precarious Vulnerability and the Potential of Exposure. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 42(3): 628-646.
2016 Pope, Leah G., Lauren Cubellis, and Kim Hopper. Signing on for Dirty Work: Taking Stock of a Public Psychiatry Project from the Inside. Transcultural Psychiatry 53(4): 506-526.
2021 Care and affect in dialogic practice. Affect & Care Lab, CRC Affective Societies, Freie Universität Berlin, December 1.
2021 The Shape of Outcome: Reconfiguring Recovery in the Aftermath of Crisis. Social Medicine Grand Rounds, University of California, Los Angeles, February 19.
2020 Ethnography in Health Services: Lessons from Parachute NYC. The Subjective Side of Schizophrenia Conference. University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, February 26.
2019 Psychological Anthropology and Interdisciplinary Collaborations. Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Free University, Berlin, July 11.
2018 Learning from Ethnographic Engagement: Translating Open Dialogue Implementation and Research across Cultures. Grady Memorial Hospital, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, December 11.